I thought a lot about Holocaust Remembrance Day and a thought came to me which was as shocking as it was clear to me.

I have no *right* to listen politely to Critical Theory or MAGA or any other movement that insists on lecturing Jews about *real* suffering and vulnerability.
In fact I have an *obligation* to stop excusing anti-Semitism in struggling communities just because the last 75 years in the US have been pretty good for the Jewish community. To us, 75 years is the blink of an eye in our long history.

Here I am “saluting” at the arch of Titus.
Here are two newspaper notices telling Jews & Japanese to report in Kiev and San Francisco respectively. I have made pilgrimages to Manzanar where we sent Japanese Americans whose possessions we often took. It is sickening what we did to our fellow citizens. My heart breaks.
And so I know I take the suffering of others seriously because what happened to Jews is incomparable. No financial success or trip to Manzanar will ever prepared you for your first trip to Babi Yar. It’s a full body sickness. A trauma that sits on your soul and never fully lifts.
I tweet about the assassination of Fred Hampton regularly for my Black Friends. I tweet about the abomination of Dodger Stadium and my Latino sister Aurora Vargas of Chavez ravine evicted from her home by the city of Los Angeles.

But there are haunted Ravines even more horrible.
This year I was repeatedly lectured about “Jewish Privilege”, “Jewish Fragility” and (I swear I am not making this up) invited to “Sit in my discomfort” for “laughably” claiming that Jews are vulnerable. Often by ethnic minorities who’ve been indoctrinated within the Ivy League.
Ahem. It’s all over. From this moment forward, I refuse to be polite about Pepe the Frog, BLM nonsense about the Israelis as genocidal, Stars and Bars enthusiasts, defunding/abolishing the Police who protect synagogue and Masjid alike, etc.

I’m *done* babying our lunatic cults.
So, the basic change is this. If you start speaking to me with the same invariant phrases associated with these groups (BLM, CRT, Militias, “Race Realists” and on and on) I’m not going to politely hear your madness out. I’m going to say you are running malware between your ears.
Suffice it to say, you can whine about privilege & micro-aggressions, cultural appropriation and you can sit in your own discomfort. You can get off on Pepe the Frog in your parents basement and Roman salute the Stars and Bars. But I have dead relatives to honor. And I’m now out.
No amount of financial success ever fully compensates for having to locate the exits every time you enter a synagogue. We all know it’s only a matter of time before the loony Left and Right will try their hand again to get rid of Jews. And I’m not babying this madness ever again.
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