🚨 Massive Thread by @PatrickByrne

How President Trump Lost the White House

November 3 – December 23:

All the President’s Team(s)
1. I am going to refrain from saying too much about mine and Sidney’s relationship. For one thing, over time it became something like I was working for her, helping her get answers to questions, and then, something like she became my lawyer
2. Whichever it was, in time the relationship became something for which privilege surely applies. One cannot selectively waive privilege, and just share the things one wants to share while claiming “privilege” on the others. I know that
3. But what I can say is that our relationship started out with me just a volunteer walking in off the street with information, and so I can talk about that phase of the relationship, but in time it became formal enough in one way or another I will not be able to say more.
4. Mayor Giuliani, however, never became my lawyer, and I will not be so constrained in my accounts, as my ultimate purpose, my only real purpose, is to deliver to the public as honest a rendering as
5. I may construct of the events between November 3 and January 6. It seems like a historically worthy thing to do.

For my part, though they thought of me as a businessman, I introduced myself to them as the proprietor of this website, http://Deepcapture.com 
6. I pointed out that it had won numerous awards for its business investigative journalism back in the 2008 era, and had also been voted the best journalism regarding corruption within the United States.
7. I may have done other things in life but in addition I’m a journalist, and I have the rights any journalist has. Which means I can investigate what I want to investigate, I don’t have to reveal a lot of things about how I learn things,
8. And if I feel like sharing some of my findings with lawyers like Sidney and Rudy, it is not different than the dozens of other times this website has investigated things, and shared its findings with such lawyers, or even law enforcement.
9. That first meeting with Sidney lasted perhaps 45 minutes. I found her sitting practically by herself, maybe an assistant and junior lawyer with her, in a nearly-empty space on one side of the office building.
10. She was well-informed and open-minded. When I arrived, the air had the strange tingle it has when people have just had words. We quickly got to business, and it became clear she was on top of things.
11. Soon she showed me that her information covered a portion of the narrative about which we had some knowledge but not much (mostly concerning the origin of the machines and their reason for certain design flaws).
12. She was in touch with people from the earliest days of the creation of these systems. On the other hand, as we ran through what my side of the table had already teased out of the data in the three days since the election,
13. She showed she understood what we were saying, and we quickly tied things into what she already knew.  It was a highly-productive first conversation,
14. And she ended it telling me that I needed to go to the other side of the office, find Rudy, and immediately tell him everything I had just shared with her.
15. So my cyberbuddy and I went to the other side of the office building, to Rudy’s side, which I understood to be the center of gravity of the operation.
16. I should explain what I expected to find. I expected to find a command post staffed by lawyers and quants. The quants would be doing the statistical work, driving answers that would feed lawyers being notified of the research into such oddities as I have walked through above
17. And would be availing themselves of whatever remedies the law surely applied in appropriate jurisdictions.  There would be an information loop, obviously, such that the campaign headquarters in each state would be on a call
18. Once per day to receive daily updates on progress. Thinking that may be a fair bit for one 76 year old to manage, I imagined Rudy might have some strong COO who might be keeping assignments on track.
19. What I found is this:

The place was 20% empty, and another 30% were packing out their desks.

A conference room with a number of lawyers. At least 3 of them were good.

These lawyers were the mules of the operation. They were each assigned one or more states.
20. Yet there were things going on at the state lvl or ⬇️, bubbling ⬆️ organically, research & lawyers jumping in filing actions. I came to learn that between Rudy’s legal team & the campaign there was 0 communication, even though they jointly occupied 2/3 of an office story.
21. I don’t know if that was for a legal reason, or just the way they operated.  Methinks the latter.
22. The Mediocrity – I am not going to be mean about it. For example, I am not going to reveal the gender or other details about this person (other than to say, imagine a person who is a lawyer and who had once made a career at one of the better-known government agencies).
23. But given how stunningly horrible this person was to work with, how the Mediocrity went out-of-way to be horrible to work with, and because of how destructive this behavior was, I am simply to refer to this person as the ”Mediocrity”.
24. The Commish – Think of Mike, from Breaking Bad. The quintessential cop. Tough, perfectly correct and courteous, but stays poker-faced and dead-eyed at all times. Sits in meetings with his hand casually covering mouth, saying nothing
25. When asked something, might open his mouth, and if he does he invariably has something highly intelligent to say. Making one wonder, “Why does he work so hard to keep his opinion to himself?”
26. The Mayor – Rudy Giuliani. I was in the hospital in New York for the late 1980’s, and remember the occasional Mafia killings outside some mid-town steakhouse or Brooklyn joint. Rudy was US Attorney there and then, breaking up the Mob.
27. I always felt some affinity for him because of that overlap in time and place. And of course, on 9/11,he became “America’s Mayor”.  In the years after that our paths intersected a few times, but he never gave indication of remembering me anytime we crossed paths.
28. His security company handled an issue for me when I was fighting with Wall Street. I doubt he remembers, but when he ran for President a dozen years ago and came through Utah, for some reason I was invited  to introduce him at a gathering in some large Utah home.
29. I studied up on him, drove over, and gave a short introduction on Rudy Giuliani to the crowd, lasting about 30 seconds. He took over and we shook hands, and that was the sum of my contact with Rudy Giuliani in his political days.
30. I do remember in the Q&A that day something interesting happening: a question on abortion came from the staunchly pro-life crowd. Rudy answered the questioner’s thrust, “No, I’ll never support a law that criminalizes abortion for the woman.
31. Laws on abortion have always been directed at the activities of the doctors, not the mothers. I’ll never put a woman in jail for having an abortion. If that is what you folks are looking for, I’m not your guy.”
32. He lost 2/3 of the audience in that moment, but gained the respect of 1/3, among them, myself, if only out of respect for such rare directness from a politician.
33. So 12 years later, on a Friday afternoon at about 3 PM,  I walked into the office space that was being used both by the Trump campaign, and by the law firm that was forming up around Rudy Giuliani to investigate, address, and challenge,
34. The election irregularities which were surfacing from the 2020 election. 

It was nothing like the outfit that I expected to find  (explained above), with data-gathering feeding decision-making feeding information loops to keep a large and
35. Geographically distributed workforce operating successfully. Law firms are notoriously poorly-managed businesses in any case, they truly are, but the law firm-campaign space that had taken shape within that office space was a particular shit-show.
36. People wandered vaguely from meeting to meeting. The meetings I saw were run like bull sessions, with no agenda, no format, and no apparent sense of urgency.
37. Within about 45 minutes I was ushered to a room where I was to have 30 minutes with Rudy. Physically, he is more of a grandfather than I remember, hunched a bit more, sharp, irascible. I explained to him carefully the outline of what we understood at that point,
38. An outline such as the reader might have after watching this presentation by MIT Math PhD Dr. Shiva, or the exposition by Seth Keshel, as well as the cascade of stories of porous security in election software all ref. above. I feared overwhelming him, so I tried to simplify.
39. Given that he sat grunting stoically as I spoke, it was difficult to judge what was sinking in. Yet after only 10 minutes I saw Rudy checking his multiple phones for texts, right in front of me as we sat talking.
40. Conversing with one of his assistants, sending someone on a side errand, or receiving a report back. It felt rather strange to be talking to a man who was paying so little attention to me, but the Commish,
41. Sitting on the side, motioned for me to continue. After no more than 30 minutes I was ushered out of the office, but told to hang around.
42. Eventually I was brought back into a smaller room with Mayor Giuliani, and again asked to explain what I think happened. Realizing I may have overwhelmed him with my earlier explanation, gotten him lost in the forest for the trees,
43. I broke it down simply and slowly, like one would for, well, one’s 76 year old Grandfather. Again within 5-10 minutes he was fidgeting, grunting on occasion, sending people on unrelated side errands, checking his multiple phones for texts and typing some people back.
44. Meanwhile, I tried to stay on track. Yet there was a moment 15 minutes in when I got a whiff of something in that small office…. Medicine? Booze? Just as I was taking a sniff to decide, someone rushed in with something unrelated issue, and I was escorted from the office.
45. Again I wandered around among the staff, most of whom were professing to know nothing about what was going on, and many others of whom were packing up desks in bankers’ boxes.
46.  I was perplexed, and found myself drifting around the convoluted office space. 30 minutes later I was strolling outside some other conference room down the hall, when I heard Rudy’s familiar voice saying,
47. “…don’t understand a fucking thing this guy’s telling me…” drifting out of a doorway. Startled, I looked around the corner, and there was Rudy talking to whatever group of staffers happened to be sitting worshipfully in that conference room to which he had moved.
48. Several staffers pulled me aside in a hallway. What Mayor Giuliani is going to need, one told me, is a one page summary. Very simplified.
Another added, but with graphs & data. Another piped up, & bulletpoints. The Mayor likes bulletpoints! But no more than 1 page!
49. Insulted at Mediocrity and the 20-something staffers who were telling me how to write, and giving such asinine advice in the process, I promised I would get them something by the end of the weekend.
50. 48 hours. I asked them for one favor: any requests that came from them should be orchestrated through one of their people, who would call one person whom I would designate among my cyber-team,
51. And that way we would have some structure, and keep track of deliverables as we sought to accommodate their needs, so that it would not all turn into a shit-show.
52. Then I left and drove back to DC. By late that evening, I had learned that there were three different open requests from three people on Rudy’s team to various of my colleagues within the Bad News Bears.
53. One was only going to handle passing requests of this type, one only wanted to handle passing on requests of that type… And the shit-show began.

I do not want to claim that everybody in that large but melting office space was incompetent.
54. As I said, there were three competent, skillful lawyers (a fourth if one counted a Constitutional law scholar who was in and out).  But the atmosphere was one of despair, there was zero leadership shown, staffers were wondering around in the dark,
55. And the meetings seemed like sophomore bull sessions rather than anything organized and disciplined.

From occasional contacts with several of those solid staffers over the weeks that followed, I learned what had had happened that day just before I arrived.
56. Rudy had declaimed that, “You can never prove election fraud in a courtroom!” and had declared it was not going to be the strategy. The strategy was going to be to challenge things on procedural grounds:
57. “This county in this state had one set of rules, this other county in that same state used a different set of rules, that violates due process and Equal Protection of the 14 Amendment.”
58. So I was correct: just before I arrived there had been a huge blow-up between Rudy and Sidney in front of everyone, with Rudy ending by shouting at Sidney Powell and sending her away, in front of an office of dozens of people.
59. Declaring that none of this was going to be about election fraud, and putting his lawyers to work on their procedural filings.
60. Later, a participant from Rudy’s team told me that initially Rudy had not even wanted to do that much. He had wanted to make three more-or-less token challenges in three states, and call it a day.
61. Sidney’s adamancy that he was missing the Big Picture had caused him ultimately to relent, a little, and allow a more aggressive posture to be taken. But still, nothing was to be about election fraud and the possibility of a mass rigging of the election.
62. Rudy could tolerate hearing about a couple hundred dead people in Philadelphia voting, but he did not want to hear about anything more complicated than that.
63. That Friday afternoon just days after the election, I had, in fact, stumbled in on Sidney just as she was recovering from that exchange. And she had sent me back in to talk to Rudy about ways a new form of election
64. fraud might have emerged that was not about hundreds of dead people voting in some city, but was about the possibility of several hundreds of thousands of votes being injected into certain key locations
65. Rudy had just not been processing any of it, and that was why he kept trying to talk with me about how many dead people did I think voted in Philadelphia.
66. Over that weekend, Sidney sent one of her brilliant junior attorneys over to sit with myself and a few of the dolphin-speakers (another name I use for the cyber-heads who sit in a room and geek out to each other in a technical language of acronyms).
67. That junior lawyer had anticipated staying 30 minutes, but after an hour and a half she went into the next room and called Sidney. She told Sidney that we had the goods, or at least a well-developed understanding of what had gone on in various states, even specific counties.
68. From that point forward our relationship with Sidney was perfect as we researched & discovered things, we could bring them to her, she & her staff would patiently get briefed, listen closely, & ask intelligent questions. & they incorporated the material into their briefings.
69. That being the case, however, I will say no more about how Sidney and I worked.

Mark Twain once ended a long letter to a friend by writing, “If I’d had more time I would have written you a shorter letter.”  In those two days after meeting the Mayor in his offices I had time,
70. And by Sunday afternoon I was putting the finishing touches on the most simplified one-page account that I could possibly create. My aim was to make the story so pared down that this time the Mayor could not lose the forest for the trees,
71. That the Mayor would grasp the entire narrative in one succinct one-page read. At that point, once he understood the Big Picture, we could begin diving in on each of the sub-claims: data would be gathered, affidavits taken,
72. But to begin with, Rudy needed to read and absorb a one-page briefing (in fact it was about 80% of a page), into which I had distilled the research of about a half-dozen different people who had been working down a half-dozen different alleys.
73. It was as pure a distillate as could be achieved, if I say so myself. I included a second page with one graph, concerning one state, backing up a claim made in that one-page narrative: once Rudy grasped that, I figured, once we agreed where we were,
74. I would then supplement with additional graphs for each of the other states. Affidavits that were being gathered would be adduced to document each of the other points made. And so on and so forth. But this time we were going to crawl, walk, run.
75. Sunday evening I got a phone call at 11 PM, telling me Mayor Giuliani and his entourage were dining in such-and-such a Georgetown restaurant, and would I mind bringing what I had written over to them.
76. I got dressed and went, but when I arrived his security told me to sit in the bar & wait. I did for 45 min til someone came out of the Mayor’s private dining room to tell me the Mayor asked that I not come back to his table (security was concerned about me, for some reason),
77. But asked me to simply send into the private dining room the paper I had written. I sent it in, then left.

Later, two people who were in that room told me what happened when my paper arrived.
78. First, in the 90 minutes between 11:30 PM and 1 AM, Mayor Giuliani imbibed 3 triple scotches on ice. 9 shots of alcohol. Those relating this story could not vouch for what he had drunk before 11:30.
79. Second, in front of everyone Rudy took my paper and read it for perhaps 45 seconds, then put it aside saying, “I’ll get to this later.”
80. Third, the Mediocrity was at the table. The Mediocrity picked up the one pager and, holding it between fingers like it was a turd, announced with a laugh, “Can you believe Byrne worked all weekend and this is all he wrote?”
81. Nine hours later, Monday morning at 10 AM, Rudy Giuliani took the stage at a joint press conference held with Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellison. Rudy was meant give a synopsis of where things stood, and then introduce Sidney Powell,
82. Who was going to discuss the possibility of mass election fraud on a scale no one was yet comprehending. That it was not about a couple hundred dead people voting here, or a few hundred people who had moved away there
83. But about something deeper, systemic…Unprecedented.
Instead of going to plan, Rudy Giuliani got distracted, got carried away, & huffed & puffed his way around the stage for 40 minutes about how many hundreds of dead people had voted here & how illegal people had voted there
84. As he worked himself up like Grandpa, repeating all the same points he had been making for days, hair die ran down both sides of his face, unnoticed.

Nine hours earlier, he had had nine shots of whiskey in under 90 minutes.
85. Another story that came to me from those times within Rudy’s offices: One Pennsylvania lawyer, a female, had taken on the job of a filing in Pennsylvania. She received a message from opposing Kirkland & Ellis counsel that was so threatening
86. So unprofessional, that the Kirkland later had to withdraw from the case INSERT CLIPe. Shaken, the female Pennsylvania lawyer turned in a draft filing but withdrew her representation.
87. Rudy had had to find a firm, overnight, that would finish the Pennsylvania filing. He finally found a lawyer in Texas with election experience who finished it, and got it filed in Pennsylvania.
88. It made no mention of election fraud, and was instead focused on the procedural Equal Protection arguments. Rudy only read it on his way driving to the Pennsylvania court where he was to defend it: upon reading it,
89. He apparently told his companions, This is the worst piece of shit filing I’ve ever had to stand up in a courtroom and defend.  He went into that Pennsylvania courtroom and was destroyed.
90. We got a call from Rudy’s team that we needed to have computer forensic specialists ⬇️ in GA the following morning. They would be provided access to a set of voting machines they could “exploit”. The licensed & certified computer forensic people in question demanded answers,
91. Such as, “Where are the machines? What kinds of machines are they? Tampering and playing around with election equipment being a federal felony, so under what legal authority will we be operating?
92. Will there be law enforcement of any kind to review and document all actions taken, for any chain-of-evidence questions that might later arise?”
93. The response from Rudy’s team was, “We’ve got all that covered. Get down to Georgia, stat!”
With misgivings, I caused the requisite people to fly in to Georgia from various locations.
94. They were driven to some precinct where, it turned out, someone had indeed vaguely promised that some machines could be inspected…. But that person was not there that day. Or had changed his mind.
95. The dolphin-speakers sat around most of the day, then were driven to another precinct where, this time, they were told there would be someone with a court order granting them access to certain machines.
96. No such person was there, but a group of hostile county employees were. Again they sat around waiting for lawyers arranged by Rudy’s team to show up with paperwork, but they never arrived.
97. After hours of waiting, in the early evening they drove away, and as they sat at a traffic light a half-mile down the street, they saw 17 cop cars, lightbars flashing, go rolling by to the building they had just left. My Bad News Bears quickly & safely returned to their dens.
98. A number of my colleagues interacted with Rudy from time to time, afternoons and evenings, over the next month and a half. Nearly all mentioned two things: the inordinate amount of attention he was paying to his daily podcast, and second, his drinking.
99. Something was clear to all who were with him in the evening, and also to some of those who were with him in afternoons: he was perpetually shit-faced. His own staffers were mentioning it to us.
100. Certainly every evening, or almost every evening, and most afternoons. That, and his podcasts, were the only guarantees in Rudy’s life.
101. Let me move on, & instead describe what I have only previously hinted at. In the days after the election people were getting in contact from all over the country. Often there were networks of people in various states self-organizing & diving in on various aspects of the rig
102. What people had experienced in polling stations, what they had been told, what polling observers had experienced. These people sent delegations to find me. Soon there were witnesses to various events flying in,
103. And their network “leaders” who ahd found me. I was deluged with offers of assistance: volunteers from all over the country, many with backgrounds in military and law enforcement, were getting in touch through the grapevine
104. And asking to be allowed to help in any way. So while these other political matters were going on, I was simultaneously fashioning, well, exactly what I expected to find in Rudy’s office. An “operation”, of some kind.
105. We had the cyber-guys already, and quants. But we had so many whistleblowers and people with relevant stories seeking us out, and so many were flying to DC to find me, that we had to set up operations in hotels scattered around the city.
106. Out of volunteers with background as military officers we found our debriefers, and created a system where they were privately and professionally meeting with the whistleblowers and witnesses, listening to their stories, and crafting summaries
107. These were being fed up a chain into some analysts, who were jockeying those pieces together with information coming together from our cyber guys, and other sources, and building a picture of increasing granularity of what had happened on November 3-4.
108. Somewhere in those months General Michael Flynn and I had met telephonically. There was a strange connection between us, a deceased man who had played a role in both of our lives decades past. Conversing with Mike was like meeting and speaking with another entrepreneur:
109. And saw what needed to be done almost without conversing. At some point he arrived on the scene, and I told him about this assemblage of talents that had come together in various ways: the cyber guys, the quants, the flow of witnesses
110. And affiants into our circle, our structure of multiple debriefers, our information flow back up to a circle of analysts putting everything together.  I had rough-hewn the whole structure expecting Mike’s eventual arrival
111. With the understanding that when he arrived I would be handing the keys to it over to him.
I received a request from him to relocate the top of that structure to a location far away from DC, far away from any city, in fact.
112. The information flow that was springing into existence was to come up those networks around the country, through the capillaries of the debriefers and report writers, and into a central analytic station.
113. Mere yards away, there would be an office full of lawyers acting as the legal intake for the information we were drawing up. The structure I had built by instinct, he wanted plugged into the legal teams who would be doing the work.
114. We agreed that Sidney and Rudy would both get any output from this work. I moved the structure to the location he requested. There was a team of lawyers in place there.

However, around them there were a variety of people with no discernible roles and who gave me the creeps
115. One ex-Agency female, a large, loud woman, & not a lawyer, suddenly sprung up & became quite the organizer and gatekeeper. Another participant, a cocky English man with a military background was there & suddenly announced that he was the gatekeeper between this room and that
116. It all began giving me quite a nasty feeling. But after only two days I got word from Flynn: things having been stood up and roughed-out as we had agreed (as had seemed obvious to both of us, with barely a need to converse)
117. Flynn called and told me he wanted to fly in and take over, and have me go back to DC to start speaking to the public. We agreed we would cross paths for an hour in a certain location as we switched places.
118. I got ready to leave I told the cocky British man that I needed him to pass on 3 key messages to someone I was not going to have a chance to see before leaving. He agreed. I said each one simply, and he nodded curtly after each.
119. When I was done I asked him if he understood. He said casually, “Yep. Got em all.”

“OK, repeat them back to me,” I told him. He stared at me, unblinking. “You say you got them, so repeat them to me.”
120. He could come up with nothing. He had not actually listened to a word. I told him to get a pen and paper, and make three notes. He did so begrudgingly.
For some reason I was supposed to take the ex-Agency woman back to DC with me.
121. We drove to the place at which Mike Flynn was arriving. Once there, it turns out she slipped off to the side and told someone that she had learned something that meant she had to stay behind. Flynn arrived, and we had 30 minutes on a tarmac together.
122. We caught up, synched up. I told him that I had misgivings about this British guy who was at the camp, and about the ex-Agency woman who was hovering around. Then I left.
123. The next day, back in DC, I received word the Ex Agency woman had made up a lie to get permission to stay. It had something to do with something I had asked her to do, or had asked her not to do, or some research, it was fabrication, designed to get herself turned around
124. And reassigned to stay in that operation in the countryside. She was confronted, and spilled the beans: she was actually working for someone else, and was supposed to stay down in that operation in the countryside, spying and reporting back.
125. and reassigned to stay in that operation in the countryside. She was confronted, and spilled the beans: she was actually working for someone else, and was supposed to stay down in that operation in the countryside, spying and reporting back.
126. Now this is not to say that all time was being wasted. The structure of information flow I described, the one that I had rough-hewn, was taken over by a three star General who had led a career in Military Intelligence, and he made it far better.
127. Soon it was spitting out refined analyses, reports, information that began informing and filling up the briefs Sidney Powell was writing.  We made sure that everything that was provided was also provided to Rudy.
128. That is the background to presentations such as the ones I have been referencing. Again, for an excellent example, watch Seth Keshel, here. Seth is a former Army Captain in Intelligence, and played a key role in that structure I just described.
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