Women’s rights are human rights, Trans rights are human rights, human rights are afforded to us all. The Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill does not give Transgender people more rights. It streamlines the process of obtaining a GRC. If you are so worried about self ID /1
Maybe you should look at the fact there are only 4 gender identity clinics in Scotland. With a 3 year waiting list for a first appointment. This is massively oversubscribed /2
With people identifying as transgender rising 4000% in four years but no services available to transgender people to access to start the process of medical transition/3
The rate of female to male transition has increased and surpassed male to female transition. With no services available and huge waiting lists /4
If you are so concerned about self ID maybe lobby Parliament for more services and investment into mental and physical medical assistance for trans people so there aren’t these huge waiting lists to begin the process /5
The ability to self ID includes a statutory declaration that the transitioner has to sign declaring they will live in the acquired gender for life. Failure to do so carries a 2 year jail sentence /6
Read the bill do some research. I know there are fears and worries on both sides. Open and honest debate needs to happen. The modification of language needs to be addressed. /7
And true data needs collecting. This issue is ripping us all apart. Step back take a breath and try to look at it from your opposing side’s point of view with empathy and logic /8
Don’t let this destroy Indy. /9
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