How I paid for my kids' university education before they turned 5.

The year was 2010. We were in the middle of the great recession.

Stocks had cratered, real estate was selling for a penny on the dollar, and it seemed like the financial world was going to crumble.
I started studying real estate prices and noticed that it was just unreasonably cheap. And the fundamentals were still strong.

I was still at Oxford (MBA) and didn't have disposable cash so I started to borrow until I had enough to buy a small house just outside Atlanta.
My wife is an architect so she totally killed the design/construction for the upgrade.

We moved in for a couple of years and sold it 2 years later at 3X the price we paid for it.

We paid back all our creditors and invested 100% of the proceeds into a children's education fund.
The kids were 4 (daughter) and 2 (son) in 2012 when "241 Rockingham dr" paid 100% of their university bill.

The amount invested in 2012 wouldn't pay for their tuition but it has grown every year so that when daughter/son go to university in 2028/2030 I won't have to pay a dime.
Lesson 1: Recessions are cyclical and all the crazy signs of 2008 are all over the market again so wise people will play safe in 2021.

My investment philosophy is "safety first" and that is the investment mantra at ( ), which I lead.
Lesson 2: Your kids are not too young for a children's education fund. It can help pay for current or future school fees.

IMO, my/your kids didn't ask to come into this world so we are responsible for making sure that it's not a horrible experience for them.
Lesson 2 (cont):

OVERWOOD Child ( ) is the best children's education fund in Nigeria. It will be scaled to the rest of Africa later this year.

Vanguard's 529 plan is the best in America.

Please suggest a good fund for your country in the comments.
Lesson 3: It's ok to go all-in based on fundamental analysis.

I still believe that it is very risky to invest 100% of your net worth into any instrument.

In this case, the fundamentals were very strong and it worked out but it's not my default strategy.

Rockingham Dr
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