Events like this is why S'porean Twitter shouldn't tolerate reactionary forces that peddle in bigotry & hate.

Your patience is wasted when spent on apocalyptic, dominionist, evangelical Christians, or on patrician New Atheists, or on alt-right edgelords, incels, and contrarians.
At the same time, you can also question overreach & legal exceptionalism of the Internal Security Act.

An honest interrogation of right-wing extremism, particularly its Christian sort, would be difficult with a Damoclean sword hanging over the population's head.
Likewise, it's disingenuous for the following churches & organizations to express such statements.

It's not helpful to pretend that Islamophobia & right-wing thinking are somehow peripheral to mainstream S'porean Protestantism.
Although Christians make up almost 18% of S’pore’s residents (Muslims 14%; Buddhist/Taoists: 43%), we know relatively little about them, particularly the Evangelicals.

But what has been uncovered has only revealed a troubling world.
We found the following threads both illuminating and distressing.
This too:
The NCCS can declare now that it “treasures the special relationship it has with the Muslim community”. But we’ve seen what it has said and done in the recent past.
Crucial distinction to note:
*Grinds teeth*
*Grinds more teeth*
A thread on Megachurches in S’pore that includes descriptions of Lawrence Khong and his followers praying over government buildings to claim "Singapore for Christ":
In 2019, an IPS survey found that 15% of S’poreans perceive Muslims as threatening. Most were apparently Christian and middle class in status.

Findings here:
News reports indicate that the detained boy's family & social circles weren't aware of the "depth of his hatred for Islam". Does this mean they knew that the hatred existed, but just not its extent?
Yet, Muslims are not alone. Buddhists and Taoists that have also been disparaged.

Think of the Rony Tan incident in 2010, and the outrage against the S’porean branch of the US-based Campus Crusade for Christ in 2012.
Of course, in 2009, a group of middle-class, high society Evangelicals conspired to take over AWARE. The coup failed, partly because the Evangelicals were incompetent.

Still, the saga signaled the public debut of the S’pore’s Christian Right.
The concern, then, is whether the authorities even understand our local middle-class, capital-rich, right-wing Christian Evangelism.

This is a movement that’s increasing its social media presence, thinking that it’s losing a war that it has made up.
Is this the clearest internal & official admission that we've had of far-right ties between S'porean and Western Protestant churches?

We know their fear-mongering about Western values is a farce, but come on!
You can follow @ikanselarkuning.
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