I love all these takes on how WSB "took down" short sellers.

What happens when GME reports more losses? That $347 isn't sustainable. GME lost $1B aggregate in Q3 2020. Q4 won't be any better. But let's say it slowed the cash hemorrhage. That's still $-1B on $4.5B assets.
So the retail price on GME is still going to be what? $350/share let's say? And GME then needs to raise cash? What are they going to do? Issue $350 shares? Who's buying? Retail investors? Or are they buying when the institutional investors want to dump the overpriced shares?
A couple of shit hedge funds made a public position, which was stupid. But now GME is going to face a crunch when it comes time to start paying off loans taken in 2019. Because where are they going to get the cash?

The retail investors? Holding -1200 P/E shares???
I don't give a shit about the hedge funds losing money. They put themselves in that position. And that's part of the game. If you're not ready to lose more than you put in, you probably shouldn't have got into options trading.

Also, you suck at options trading.
I am, however, amused at "We're sticking it to the man by...buying overvalued goods that we may not be able to shed at the same price."

see: my position on how gold is a worthless investment.
To recap my gold position.

Gold only goes up because they convince people that everything is volatile and you need to buy gold. But you're buying gold from the people holding the gold or gold production?

So now you're part of the gold ponzi scheme. Or GME ponzi scheme.
And the WSB cry of, "GME is down because of after market trading" is pedestrian.

Of course it's fucking down. If I'm in charge of an institutional portfolio? I'm 86'ing GME because it's volatile. I don't want that shit in my portfolio. Cash out and move on.
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