1/: Every day, we are inundated by horror stories around the virus. It seems as if we were facing the greatest health crisis of humankind. Nevertheless, the situation should be kept in perspective — a ⬇️thread⬇️ about life-expectancy and why the measures make everything worse.
2/: The mean age of death of people dying due to COVID 19 is 80.4 (82.5 female & 78.8 male) in the United Kingdom. The average life expectancy in the #UK lies around 81 years. In #Germany, casualties were on average 82 years old (life expectancy: 81 years) https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/adhocs/12376averageageofdeathmedianandmeanofpersonswhosedeathwasduetocovid19orinvolvedcovid19bysexdeathsregistereduptoweekending2october2020englandandwales
3/: The situation was different during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. Back then, the average age of death of infected people was 28, while The average life expectancy was about 56. That’s as if COVID-patients would die with 40 years nowadays. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/1918-commemoration/key-messages.htm
4/: As we just learned, COVID does not significantly reduce the lifespan of people. Yet, it has an impact on everybody’s life.

Let’s have a look at which factors actually decrease our lifespan.
6/: Have you ever heard of a sugar-related lockdown or a sugar-ban for children? Neither have I, even though obesity among children and adults is dramatically increasing.
7/: Loneliness: “Loneliness has been estimated to shorten a person’s life by 15 years, equivalent in smoking 15 cigarettes a day.” Corona measures such as lockdowns and limitation of contacts cause loneliness, especially in the group of elderlies. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/loneliness-is-harmful-to-our-nations-health/
9/: Vitamin D: #StayHome has dramatic consequences for the vitamin D blood serum level. By spending an above-average period inside and having many summer vacations cancelled, people are expected to have much lower vitamin D in their blood than usual.
10/: Vitamin D is a hormone that regulates the immune response. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a higher risk of infection and mortality. This is most noticeable during the winter when vitamin D stores are depleted.
11/: People of colour are more vulnerable to vitamin D deficiency due to larger quantities of melanin. In the elderly, vitamin D synthesis in the skin is reported to be widely diminished. Locking them up was a mad idea that could have cost them many years. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3782116/
12/: Fearporn: Media, influencers, politicians, and PR think tanks are currently spreading fear. We are cluttered with (mostly subjective) COVID-related news 24/7. The taken measures did reduce not only our rights but also medial plurality.
13/: Fear increases the stress hormone cortisol. Constant fear leads to the immune system becoming “resistant” and increases inflammatory #cytokines that further compromise the immune response. Fear can thus be considered a gradual #killer.
14/: So why does the media do the opposite of what is saving lives? Why are we continuously confronted with apocalyptic and headline-grabbing news about killer-virus mutants, exponential growth, and long-term effects!?
15/: Talking about long-term effects, media coverage is partly contradictory: Erectile dysfunction ( https://bit.ly/3iTRu3x ) or permanent erection ( https://bit.ly/3aerlZk )?
16/: By the way, the author of the “long-term dingdong article” (no intentional reference to @DrEricDing) also wrote a journalistic masterpiece on why it is great to wear two masks. You can’t make that up. #facepalm
17/: Evolution has equipped us with a unique feature that is able to fight off pathogens. This feature is our immune system. It is concerning that the @WHO is now defining that herd immunity can only be achieved through vaccination. It did not work that way since humans existed.
18/: The immune system works well unless it is overstrained. As most of the immune system is located in the intestine, gut #microbiota plays a vital role in the immune system’s functionality.
19/: Reducing dietary deficiencies, for instance consuming more omega-3 and less omega-6 fatty acids, reducing lectins and sugars make the immune systems more resistant to diseases. This means that we do not have to reinvent the wheel. This is neglected general knowledge.
20/: And even though all of this is known, the current pandemic is maintained by PCR tests that are designed to be faulty. A recent study reports that nothing is viable after Ct of 28.4. Yet, most #PCR-tests run with much higher cycle-threshold values. https://twitter.com/Kevin_McKernan/status/1354631940507316226
21/: This is in line with our BTL ( https://www.bayeslines.org ). By back-solving available governmental data into scenarios, we can see that the current testing method is exceptionally erroneous with a low prevalence. #PCRgate #DrostenGate
22/: I think that many conditions mentioned above are preventable but #intentional. There are thousands of "truths" out there that provide #explanations of the current phenomenon. The big picture? I don't know. But we surely need to speak up and seek many #dialogues on eye level.
23/: About 100 years ago, people laughed about the author of ‘Mein Kampf’ and could not imagine that one day, a major part of the book became reality. Nowadays, people who warn about @ProfKlausSchwab’s book ‘The Great Reset’ are feebly mocked. This is odd.
24/: History tends to repeat itself. If we sleep during the democracy, we will fake up in a dictatorship. I still believe that there are many good politicians and journalists out there, but we need to make sure that they are not silenced and dare to speak up. #amen
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