Guys, I’m totally shook. I placed these pics side by side and the resemblance is uncanny. I hugged my children for fear of their future in Biden’s America.

Libs did this for 4 years and I finally see it now. I hope I’m doing this right so I can carry their honorable torch. /1
Tears ran down my cheeks as I began to notice the similarities.

Thank you for teaching us about noticing these comparisons, Dems. It’s so important. /2
These are so identical that I’m literally shaking right now. Biden’s America is a truly truly frightening place.

I hope there’s still room in Canada. Maybe some Dems will finally move back so I can escape with my family. Lord help us. /3
Mein Gott! I can’t get over this. Obviously pictures posted side by side proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’s literally Hitler.

I don’t make these rules, but I totally understand now. How can anyone claim to be a Biden follower now?!?
CNN, the WaPo and NYT would have already retweeted this thread if I was a lefty.

You know I’m right.
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