1/11 I don't think is very charitable or nuanced the way this is written.

First, left-wing ideologies ''hate'' certain institutions for their results or the structures themselves. That isn't always the same thing as hating individuals.

For example, exploitation and slavery. https://twitter.com/QueenSorviaV/status/1354619131161665542

This is a more minor note, but I remember when I was learning about Marx, someone said that Marx did NOT believe that capitalists are evil.

He believed they were compelled to do the ''bad'' things because of the economic laws and their position in the social hierarchy.
3/11 Second, left-wing ideologies ARE characterized by a certain romanticism for humanity. To deny this would be wild.

Conservative ideologies tend to lean towards the ideas that humanity is inherently flawed and therefore attempting to correct problems in the world is futile.
4/11 For example, leftists might ''hate'' imperialism (I don't see why that's a bad thing) because they identify with humanity as a whole rather than simply being attached to the idea of their nation state.

That is a kind of love, as ''love'' is a pretty wide spectrum.
5/11 Left-wing ideologies have at times embraced the idea that eliminating hierarchies, classes and existing social structures also eliminates alienating social divisions. @ColinJMcAuliffe's great post about Ernst Wigforss and classes comes to mind here. https://twitter.com/ColinJMcAuliffe/status/1335263307775795201
5/11 I also have some other problems. Left-wing ideologies have always had a utilitarian streak as well.

''Leftists hate rather than love'' is an argument against the welfare state a conservative might use.

By helping people through state distributive institutions, leftists are
6/11 foregoing direct personal attachment, community and ''love'' and instead using more impersonal and ''coerced'' means to improve the lives of everyone.

I've heard conservatives say that you cannot force altruism or compassion, and that really is true to a degree.
7/11 The egalitarian welfare state that many leftist and progressive projects have at times attempted to build up isn't necessarily altruistic or compassionate or an embrace of ''love.''

It's just about making people's lives better in a utilitarian sense.

I know this person is a follower of mine, I have to low-key call them out here. Sorry buddy, I hope you understand.

Common goals and rights have always been an enormous part of left-wing ideology. https://twitter.com/politi__cal/status/1354621752823996418
9/11 For example, look at the universal suffrage and 8-hour work day initiates that socialists and trade unions fought for in the late 1800s.

Or how about the ''right to healthcare'' initiate that leftists are pushing now?

Or what about collective action, such as strikes?

Social democracy has always been on the left and would definitely have been accused of perpetuating hate.

The Swedish Social Democrats traditionally called their liberal and conservative opponents the ''bourgeois parties'' or the ''bourgeoisie.'' https://twitter.com/politi__cal/status/1354621752823996418
11/11 Finally, I want to close this off with some good analyses.

Leftism objectively isn't built on hateful division in the aggregate or in every regard.

Left-wing ideologies thrive with strong trust and communitarian ''collectivism'' that creates social bonds between people.
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