Anyone still pretending that cancel culture isn't real might want to consider this case. A baby sleep training expert has been boycotted and attacked ruthlessly after someone dug through FEC records and found out she donated to Trump. They even posted her address online.
It's not like people are responding to political statements she made. She's a non-political person, in a non-political field, who got doxxed because of some campaign donations she made. This is cancel culture. This is what we mean when we refer to it.
Oh and this headline from @TheCut is disgraceful. "Funneling the profits" tries to make it sound somehow sinister that she was giving a few dollars of her own personal money to a PAC. And we have no way of knowing if it came from her business's profits (not that it matters).
By the way, no surprise, this hit job was orchestrated by another "parenting influencer" who decided to doxx his competitor and destroy her so that he could swoop in and take her followers like a vulture. Incredibly evil behavior.
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