A thread about #rhinos in #Namibia 🦏 🇳🇦🌍

1/ In the course of reading #colonial accounts of west Namibian landscapes for @Future_Pasts, I started mapping recorded encounters with rhinos: around 100 records so far, dating back to the late 1700s. 🦏
2/ The online map from this work indicates where #rhino were documented in the last 200 yrs.
Each placemark includes information for encounters as increasing numbers of mostly European men traversed the area. 🦏

See: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/3/edit?mid=1vDPF3dJwxqGPqPRJjBs6SDGYQHeU8-ve&usp=sharing
3/ #rhino in #Namibia were decimated by colonial #hunting with firearms in esp. 1800s: for 'sport', meat and hides.

British Capn JE Alexander's text shows an 1837 rhino hunt where no rhino are now (afaik). Firearms, spears & arrows were all used for this hunt. 🦏
4/ This map of #colonial encounters with #rhinos is introduced in a Foreword with Jeff Muntifering (Science Adviser to Namibia's Save the Rhino Trust), to a retrospectively published MSc dissertation by SRT's CEO Simson !Uri≠khob 🦏

@SRTNamibia @savetherhino
5/ Simson's MSc - submitted 2004 @DICE_Kent - analysed local attitudes towards #blackrhino in N-W Kunene Region, #Namibia, at a significant moment prior to translocations of these animals back to areas of its former range. 🦏

See: https://www.futurepasts.net/fpwp8-urikhob-sullivan-muntife-2020
6/ In the communal-area #conservancies of west #Namibia, rhino are important for #conservation & #tourism.

#SRT, local #rhinorangers and the Namibian govt's Black Rhino Custodianship Program work hard to sustain #blackrhino amidst sig. pressure for #rhinohorn. 🦏
7/ Given the massive reduction of historical #rhino range as colonial #hunting expanded + the concentration of marginalised Namibians alongside high-value rhino in a challenging landscape, it's impressive to be around black rhino #conservation in N-W Namibia. 🦏
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