I was not expecting Biden's presidency to be this bad, this quickly. On policy, it's Obama 2.0 but more woke and on free expression it's more like East Germany than the United States.
I'm 50 years old. For the first time in my life, I see children turning their parents into the government for wrongthink. People I knew who were fun in college are now angry scolds who detest America for existing on 'stolen' land. The FBI is arresting people for making memes.
Churches in my state fly BLM banners on their buildings, because that's the new religion and heretics are unpersoned. Every late night show on TV mocks people who love America and venerates the radical left.
Government punishes small business owners and job creators with lock downs while sending our tax dollars overseas to help other countries, some of which hate us.
Speech is free only for those who agree with the progressive left. Say the wrong thing and an anonymous mob can ruin your life.
How did we get to this point so quickly and why are we putting up with it?
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