Scheduling non-urgent work emails to be sent during work hours instead of at 10 PM is a small but powerful way to respect your coworkers' boundaries and promote self-care in the workplace.
Limiting replies to this conversation because the response to this is typically an indignant "WELL DON'T CHECK YOUR WORK EMAILS DURING OFF-WORK HOURS!"
This is not an option for all workers. Failure to respond to urgent emails can lead to disciplinary actions or job termination. Often, there's also a power dynamic at play here. Most of us feel compelled to respond to a late night email from our bosses, no matter what the topic.
Gmail has a really easy-to-use "schedule send' option that I highly recommend! Let your coworkers have time away from their jobs. It's especially important during a pandemic, since many of us have seen the blurring of boundaries between work and non-working hours.
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