So Vancouver's Non-Partisan Association has opted to double down in its defense of Angelo Isidorou, a founding member of Yellow Vests Vancouver and director of #UBC's "Free Speech Club."

Here's a #vanpoli thread about how this press release helps to mainstream extremism.

The accusations leveled against Isidorou by @mdgmedia in @TheTyee (Jan 21) and @fumano in @VancouverSun (Dec 9, Jan 27) are not false, and therefore not defamatory. They are disturbing, yes, but grounded in facts — facts we have been pointing to for the past 2 years. 2/11
The NPA imagines "an attempt to paint Angelo Isidorou as something he is not." What are they trying to paint him as? Because after monitoring him and his political activities for the past 2 years, we can confirm that, yes, he is exactly what he appears to be in that photo. 3/11
The NPA then claims Isidorou "has a documented history of fighting against racism within political organizations." Just how has he found himself in so many racist political organizations over the years? Coincidence?

Sounds like other supposed "formers" (eg Light Upon Light) 4/11
Isidorou has been playing this angle for some time. Here he is making the same claim to @VestsCanada in 2019. His "fighting against racism" doesn't appear to be anything more than a grudge against his former employer: the People's Party of Canada. 5/11
The PPC doesn't have a "nasty racist underbelly." Racism is the water it swims in. Maxime Bernier's anti-immigrant and anti-antifa billboards made that very clear. That's likely why Isidorou became a campaign manager for them, before making his move to the Conservatives. 6/11
"The photo taken of Angelo when he was only 20-years-old [sic] was not given the correct context," claims the NPA.

So it was taken only 3-4 years ago, when he was already involved in the Free Speech Club? And what is the correct context for his fascist hat and gang sign? 7/11
"The NPA is a party of all political stripes" and "walks of life," they argue, trying to weaponize identity politics.

Yes, all political stripes: the right, hard right, far right, and extreme right. White supremacists, Islamophobes, and transphobes are all welcome! 8/11
As an aside, the NPA calls virtually everyone else in #vanpoli progressive in paragraph 1, and then uses scare quotes in calling them "supposedly 'progressive'" in paragraph 3. Which one is it? Are they progressive or not? 9/11
Anyway, we've written plenty about Isidorou and his Free Speech Club over the past couple of years. For example, see the timeline on our website. And here's our initial reaction to the @mdgmedia article in @TheTyee last week. 10/11
Don't forget that Isidorou and his #UBC club hosted Ben Shapiro (who inspired the Quebec City mosque shooting), and attempted to host Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern (whose "great replacement" white nationalism inspired shootings in NZ & El Paso).

This stuff is deadly. 11/11
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