"Ms. Entropy, why should we care about incentivizing Nazi disengagement? Who cares; they were Nazis?!"

Maybe ask me again after I finish securing a host for...the ENTIRE ARCHIVE OF FASCIST FORGE data someone just leaked to me.

Until then, I'll be busy.
In case you don't know - Ironmarch was the transnational Internet forum that gave birth to Atomwaffen Divison and its many Nazi spawns.

Fascist Forge was Ironmarch's sequel once the latter was knocked down.

Treasure trove, y'all.

Incentivizing disengagement is GOOD.
I do hope the Siege dorks are nervous - you should be!

Fascist Forge had a LOOOOOOOOOOOOT of great info; thanks for the AMAZING INTRO QUESTIONNAIRES!

Once I've got the host (in process) fully secured, I'll let you know ASAP.

Help Nazis leave.
That helps us all.

Think I'm kidding?

Thanks for the vetting section in particular.
Your membership exam was impressively thorough. #ReadSiege indeed.

Get some sleep, boys. You're going to need it.

Sweet dreams!
Hope you’ve enjoyed the sneak preview. Get out while you can.

Just wanted to reassure you, Nazi social club - if you’re worried I might lose all this data, I backed it up and it’s totally secure!

You’re in good hands now, boïz.
And in conclusion, Nazi boïz...

I’d like to quote my brother @ImmortalTech: “I’m not the kind of cat you can afford to miss if you shoot me.”

Get out while there’s still time.

Tick. Tock.
Tick. Tock.
Tick. Tock.

#readsiege #FAFO
PS (and again):

Please stop asking me how to dox people. I don’t do that, in no small part because I don’t think I’d be any good at it.

Irresponsible, inaccurate doxes are way too common, and they hurt innocent people.

So ask someone else, not me.
I’m just making sure the data is securely hosted by a responsible organization I trust. That’s all.

And stop thanking me.

Thank the ex Nazi that had the balls to get out, reach out and apologize to me for a murder plot, and who wants to help us all.
Offline for a while talking to my connects, getting confirmation, and trying to finalize the hosting and security issues surrounding the data.

Will respond to your @'s ASAP after.
A few quick updates: 1

Yes, the plan is for this data to be made public after security precautions are taken.

I have credible institutional partners in the process of working on confirming capacity, security, and interest.
A few quick updates: 2

No, I won't - under any circumstances - give you any info whatsoever about the leaker, so stop asking.

I will let you know more ASAP. We're moving as fast as we can.

If you don't hear, it's because there's nothing new to publicly announce.
A few quick updates: 3

Everyone and everything is safe.

Stop thanking me; thank the leaker and hosts. I'm just a connection / channel.

Don't be offended if I can't respond to @'s or DMs right now. Honestly kind of busy at the moment.

A few quick updates: 4

Don’t expect this data to be public immediately. The goal is to make the archive accessible for researchers both academic and public.

That goal of public access means some sensitive material, like propaganda, won’t be available.
A few quick updates: 5

Thanks for volunteering your expertise. I’ll likely reach out to connect you with hosting parties after everything else is fully and securely in place, but not yet.

Nothing happens without the leaker’s consent.

And stop asking. I. Will. Not. Tell. You.
A few quick updates: 6

I’ve got a job app due & work to do on this leak, so I’m offline for today.

Most importantly:

Stop giving me credit. I’m not the person brave enough to leave a Nazi group, apologize to a victim for a hit list, and then - THIS.

More when I know more.
In the interim, again:

If you are a whistleblower in the military or law enforcement, or a Nazi who wants to get out, I will keep you anonymous.

And I will help you. Just reach out.

And now I’m logging off.
Stay safe and take care. https://twitter.com/MsEntropy/status/1354884546693488642
A few quick updates: 7

By tomorrow night, I’ll be able to give you a better sense of the specifics about where this is headed, and general ETA.

Your skepticism about data credibility and/or the leaker’s motivations does not interest me.
A few quick updates: 8

If you are a journalist:

No, I will not give you early, exclusive access. This is about saving people’s lives and getting Nazis to disengage — not raising your professional profile, mine, or anyone else’s.

So stop asking.
A few quick updates: 9

If you’re worried the Fascist Forge leak will expose you, and want to extract yourself from Nazi groups, know this: you won’t be the first or the last.

I will help you leave.
We’ve got people who can get you out.

[email protected]
Certain Men™ of Twitter, I’d like to save you some time:

I’m aware of what Fascist Forge and Iron March are.
Please stop junkmailing my DMs and @‘s.

Back to work for me now.
A few quick updates: 10

FF archive has been transferred to the parties who will host it, with the leaker’s knowledge and consent.

We’re not divulging who those organizations are yet, for obvious reasons, and it will be a bit (think weeks) before it’s publicly available.
A few quick updates: 11

The leaker’s main concerns are responsibility and security. The hosting organizations were selected on that basis by the leaker.

To repeat:
This isn’t my archive or bravery; I just had connections.
Give credit where it’s due.

More when I know it.
[There is still time to get out. We will help you.]
A few quick updates 12:

The Nazi account is correct.

I hate repeating myself, but some people can’t read (siege or otherwise, it seems). Don’t DM / @ me to:

1) ask about the leaker.
It’s a: No.

2) ask for exclusive access because you’re a journalist.
It’s a: No.

3) explain what Nazis are or what FF was.
It’s a: I know.
Couple points about why the Fascist Forge data leak is so significant, not just for US neo-Nazi groups but globally.

FF was created after Ironmarch for:

The express purpose of connecting transnational neo-Nazi organizations, coordinating, and facilitating violent plots.
What global law enforcement misses with the “lone wolf” descriptor is: neo Nazis themselves pioneered that illusion as a deliberate strategy (see Louis Beam, “Leaderless Resistance,” 1983).

Fascist Forge is the global nexus of neo-Nazis that proves it.

Leakers save lives.
You can follow @MsEntropy.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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