Let us now look at the role the Media played.. or didn't play.
Why am I being told today that VMSingh has property worth 600 Cr? Who or what is a "gangster-turned-activist"? Why didn't the media highlight these guys? Surely there is a story there! Of course I realize that.. 1/n
it didn't fit into the narrative of the "poor struggling kisan", but surely, an unbiased media should have rooted these stories out?
Even if most of us could see that these were very far from the "poor kisans", with their SUVs and Benzes, iPhones and Tommy Hillfigers..2/n
Surely the media should have done their jobs?

But then again, maybe I expect too much from our MSM. Is it any wonder that nobody trusts these news channels anymore?
They of course knew that Deep Sidhu was a pal of Sunny Deol's. So why did they only bring it out now?

Why didn't they bring out that photo of Tikait with @capt_amarinder during the 2017 elections earlier?

Why were they trying to pass these chaps off as farmer leaders?
Also, in all that breathless reporting about Gyms and Footmassagers and Langars, why didn't the media try and understand where the funds were coming from? Even a simple back of the envelope calculation would have showed that to maintain this army (and yes, this was an army)...
they would have required Crores of rupees. How come the media didn't try to ferret that piece of information out?
If the media's role is to just wax eloquent about scenes that one can see for oneself, they are completely useless what?
As Richie Benaud said...
Don't speak .. if you can't add to a scene.

All we heard over all these days was just news. The media was COMPLICIT. There! I have said it. They were all complicit.

I think I shall finish my rant here.
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