It did at the very beginning.

I will try to summarize my journey for you in this thread.
- Frustration was high as I couldn't understand why I wouldn't lose fat with resistance training for years. This frustration lead me to do a quick book search in Amazon which led me to The Obesity Code. I didn't know he was or anything about the low carb world. This is 2017.
- Read the book. Learned about insulin. Dr. Fung essentially says "How the f*ck do you want to lose weight eating crap all day? Lower your f*ck*ng insulin!"

- Started fasting. Worked my way up from 16/8 to 72 - 96hrs fasts in about 3 months.
- During these fasts, my diet wasn't necessarily clean, but I started losing weight and ended up losing about 30lbs. It was wonderful, I couldn't believe it!
- Then life happened for me, I became a father and got complacent.

- When I was ready to come back, I wanted to look for something with a better sustainability for me because fasting for 3 to 4 days was not always possible due to scheduling.
- Then over time, more and more doctors started "waking up" and they began to spread the knowledge. Not just doctors but other fitness and health enthusiasts as well. Learned about all of them here on Twitter.
- I found and tried carnivore thanks to Dr. Baker and I haven't left.

- Dr. Naiman, so far, probably takes the trophy. The P:E approach on nutrition is, by far, the most sustainable approach for me. And here I am.
And to clarify - I'm not knocking on Dr. Fung. Dr. Fung is a huge institution for the low carb community and it's hard to argue against the success he's found for his patients using the carb-insulin model. I still know that I can fast for a few days to
lose weight if I ever need to. His three main books, in my opinion, are essential to anyone part of the low carb community.
At the same time, The Obesity Code could use some revision IMO. Still a fantastic read.
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