THREAD: I made a video about chemical imbalance and how it is not the *cause* of mental illness. It’s scientifically unfounded and all the research is weak. In fact, using that ideology often disregards cultural/societal influences on mental health.
I expected pushback. Honestly, it was really earth shattering when I learned it in my Masters program. However, a lot of people were *actually* angry. They started saying how’s it possible with disorders like schizophrenia. So here’s some ways culture influences schizophrenia:
But WAIT, there’s more. And not so surprisingly. It’s also racist. Also, follow her she makes AMAZING trauma focused content:
Y’all I’m SCREAMING, everyone kept tagging this big PhD having doctor so she could drag me and she only PROVED my point 😭
You can follow @shaTIRED.
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