As promised, mari kita mulakan diet thread.
Disclaimer, I'm here to share knowledge. Not forcing anyone to follow because your health has nothing to do with mine haha!
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First of all, losing weight =/ health. You can lose weight by following certain diets (eg; calory deficit) and invite other disease at the same time. Diet alone is not enough when your circadian rhythm is disrupted.

Circadian rhythm is our natural body clock.
You definitely will still lose weight when you eat after sunset, before you sleep as long as your food intake is in calorie deficit.
You can eat whatever you want as long as you are in calorie deficit.
Menarik bukan?
Because as long as you lose weight, doesn't matter.
I'm sorry to break this to you, but there is no calory receptor in our body. Our body is not a simple machine. You can't just fix your diet by counting calories. There's no point dieting while jeopardising your health.
The best diet is, any diet that is respecting our circadian rhythm. You eat when your melatonin (hormon tidur) is low, you stop eating when your melatonin is high. Maksudnya, makan waktu siang, berenti sebelum malam.
Why? Melatonin = health.
When you eat at night, melatonin is suppressed. So? Your sleep quality ⬇️. So? Diseases say Halo halo.
Belum lagi kita cerita you makan bawah simbahan bluelight ya.
So is it a no to eat at night?
I won't decide for you boo, your health your life.
Memang akan ada condition yang kita terpaksa makan waktu malam. Don't come at me asking habis tu macam mana orang yang kerja shift malam?

Our body is resettable. Makan malam sebab habit dengan makan malam sebab takde pilihan tak sama.
Food is mitochondria's fuel.
Mitochondria = cell powerhouse (engine)
Dia macam you duk guna fuel mahal tapi enjin rosak you tak peduli. It's not worth it.

So nak diet ni kena bagi betul engine dulu.
To fix mitochondria, light environment (also mito's fuel) sangat penting. Light environment heavily effect our hormones. Of course natural light source our 🌞. That's why sun exposure comes before diet for us #mitochondriacs
Bila you sunning, leptin reset, insulin reset, melatonin generated, mitochondria fixed, circadian rhythm cun, health boost.
Too much benefit, boleh baca @farhancomeback 's pinned tweet.
When your circadian rhythm is alligned, tidur waktu yang betul, cukup pula, your hormones pun dah reset, naturally your cravings boleh dikawal. Baru lah takde masalah nak diet apa apa pun, plus you tak risk your health.
Takguna ya kalau you beria diet, workout tapi body clock you rosak. Kita nak hidup kalau boleh sampai tua, dah tua pun sihat. Kita ni kalau tak mati eksiden ke beranak or tidur, mati sebab sakit lah jawab nya.
The first leading cause of death is ischaemic heart disease ya. Orang hat fitness bukan main pun jantung boleh give up bila tak jaga body clock. Unless you're body builder, light workouts are enough for maintenance. Invest more in good sleep at night.
To conclude, fix your circadian rhythm before fixing your diet. To fix circadian rhythm, get optimum sunlight exposure. Trust me your body is begging for it.

Just like everything else, it's a process. Bukan kita tidur cukup hari ni esok kurus.

Good body shape will follow.
Health is number 1.
Good health = Good body.

(Tak bagitahu nak makan apa sebab i dah cakap, any diet will work with fixed circadian rhythm).
Anyway, personally i buat intermittent fasting. Tak kira calory. 7am-3pm.
I makan more protein masa second meal. Makan pagi tu kadang lebih sikit carbs tapi i sun sebab takmau insulin spike.
I suka makan ayam dengan lala, dengan telur goyang. Hahaha
Ini juga yang @karmenlunarx buat. Fixed circadian rhythm dan makan dense nutrition food.
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