So let me get this; r/wsb are all gambling money they can afford to lose, it's enough to move share prices more than most hedge funds could, and they're the little guys fighting back against Wall Street in a way that is basically Of The Left.
Can I introduce you to correct takes of the recent past such as "someone who can afford a souvenir gun, a midweek trip to Washington DC and a hotel stay is probably not a blue collar worker"
correct recent takes like "the numerical majority of brexit votes came from conservative constituencies in the South East, Nigel Farage is not working class and does not represent them"
Older cuts like "the Tea Party Movement was launched on the trading floor of the CME and was specifically against the provision of mortgage relief, it was not a pro working class movement I don't care about your back row kids theory"
This might lead you to to new insights like "even if an unsubstantiated Reddit post is true, it is not really a good idea for someone to invest their last $40 in options trading, or to encourage them to do so"
In another context I have identified this phenomenon - of believing that anyone or anything which causes financiers to lose money must therefore be good - as "the socialism of dumbasses".
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