i have fate brainworms that wont leave so mutuals who're not into fate like this tweet and i'll kin assign you a servant i think you'd like
@west666420 for you... mandricardo! he's a bit of a downer. reminds me of wewesi, which is why i picked him
@PiplupPalace nursery rhyme! a theoretical servant exemplifying the nursery rhymes loved by english children.
@snaketxt for you, bedivere! one of the knights of the round. i feel like his design would appeal to your sadboy liking tendencies
@KinobladeTorna i wish all zonics a very haughty muscle girl with big titty
@Chirclatia diarmuid ua duibhne! saber in specific. he's just a nice guy and also really buff so
@rolepocalypse Carmilla, the famous vampire! she's an Assassin, but she also has a Rider summer alt.
@hipristin_ it's no men january but here's robin hood anyway. he's kind of a depressed guy and one of the many men to have taken up the mantle of robin hood
@ametryll richard the lionheart for you! he's not in FGO but appears in fate/strange fake. he enjoys modern culture and plays the guitar. he's kind of a rowdy boy.
@fornaxlovemail Merlin, the famous half-incubus wizard and hero creator!
@manglegrove kijyo for you!
@momoSparking beni-enma, inkeeper and also judge of hell
@adoneus_ Aśvatthāman! he's a hero from the indian epic mahabharata.
@fairiaadelista enkidu, gilgamesh's first and only friend sent by the gods to chain him, only to turn against them. nonbinary piece of clay who is both gilgamesh's impulse control and also impulse release
@rice_acolyte the voyager space probe, also known as just voyager, symbolizing humanity's boundless potential and hope. also takes influences from the Little Prince story
@Trubeque The Old Man of the Mountain, also known as simply "the first hassan", founder of the Hassasshin order who's become akin to death itself
@Zarinthel Humbaba, the beast of the cedar wood that Enkidu and Gilgamesh defeated in Gilgamesh's epics. Appears as a Berserker in strange fake
@catboyornstein did you know nzambi finally got a proper design sheet. i think you'd like her

@KinobladeTorna also zonic i forgot this also here you go
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