Buyers and sellers determine price - this is how the market is meant to function.

Not fair for billionaires to determine what price action is legit and what isn't!

When they are making $, its all legit but when they get taken to the cleaners, they want to change the rules!?
$GME was driven into the ground by whales and now they are moaning that its current market cap is not supported by the fundamentals (therefore not legit)!

$GME financials attached, current P/S ratio is ~4

These whales own stocks with PS ratios of 50/100 yet ~4 is not legit? 🤨
A number of the high growth stocks owned by the same whales have quadrupled/quintupled or more since March '20 and they are now trading at absurd valuations!

Yet, not a single whale has complained about the rapid rise in those stocks' valuations unsupported by fundamentals!
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