So here's something I don't think I understood until today's press conference with Gov. Northam, and after @MegSchiffres asked some good questions about my subsequent coverage for @vadogwoodnews. It has to do with vaccination phases. 1/
Northam offered more detail about how the federal gov't screwed up phased vaccination. The feds encouraged states to move into phase 1B before phase 1A was *near* completion. They promised more doses if states expanded eligibility - and said they'd reduce shipments if not. 2/
So of course, Virginia and lots of other states expanded eligibility to more people! Because they thought bigger allocations of doses were on the way. Only problem: The feds lied about the size of their stockpile. You heard about this, it was all over national news. 3/
What I don't think clicked with me until today is what a logistical *nightmare* this was for vaccinators. Because now, nearly *half the state* technically qualified for vaccines - but there were major shortfalls in supply! 4/
Furthermore, I think it's really gotten lost in news coverage (including my own!) that we moved into phase 1B *solely because* of this broken promise - but we're not even finished with phase 1A yet! 500,000 people qualify in that phase. We've fully vaccinated less than 100k. 5/
From Northam's presser today, it sounded like most frontline healthcare workers have had the opportunity to be vaccinated. Long-term care facilities are behind. So now, hospitals are trying to: wrap up vaccinating their staffs; distribute vaccines to local health districts; 6/
Health districts are planning vaccination clinics, but splitting very small allocations btwn 65+; essential workers AND illness-vulnerable people, all while they're understaffed. The National Guard was supposed to help, but 1k of their forces are deployed to D.C. It's a mess. 7/7
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