All this criminal activity involving setting a former FM up re charges of attempted rape and lesser sins is as bad as you will see from any leader if proven. In fact all these highly paid women around Sturgeon also a few men willing to orchestrate a crucifixion of someone they>
2/ had backed to be leader of an independent Scotland, as these incidents were committed before IndyRef allegedly. Would they have spoken out against the President of Scotland? Now that’s horrendous right, but does it come near the lies and misinformation put out to voters>
3/ about the affordability of an independent Scotland. Also the suggestion the reason we hold another referendum is because we want entry to EU. We would not get in - Sturgeon knows this. She also knows the catastrophe Covid will have on business and our economy. Still her >
4/politicians sit at the keyboard awaiting the Murrell memo with the anti WM propaganda but worse - lies. SNP are misselling an independent Scotland to the gullible. That is the biggest sin of all. Criminal. They have to answer to that. Our media in the main have been complacent.
Sorry *complicit*
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