This is some drama.
There’s a lot of mixed messaging here and I’m not sure I understand the goal. For months, we’ve seen the burden of controlling this pandemic pushed down to the local level, citing “locals know their community best.” I mean, what did you think would happen?
Further, if it’s a choice between letting the doses expire in the freezer (I.e. everyone in 1a who is interested has been vaccinated) and moving to the next tier, I think we want to move to the next tier, no? There may be details we don’t know here.
In my local area (just outside of Kansas City) they *are* vaccinating K-12 teachers now. Meanwhile, Kansas has received fewer doses per 100k than GA.
We are relying on an honor system of eligibility and seeing cases of people skipping the line. That hurts faith in the process and makes situations like Elbert county more likely. If you want to adhere to strict phases, you need to have eligibility verification.
I’ve heard as many cases of legit caregivers being denied a vaccine as people posing as caregivers getting vaccine, for example.

We need more consistent and clear messaging for vx providers and recipients. The rules should be easy for all to see. They’re not.
Consult the @GaDPH vaccine plan from their website. First of all, commit to the plan. Why does it still say draft all over it? It hasn’t been updated since 01Jan and GA has changed the 1a criteria since then.
But the guidance still says underlying conditions and essential workers, who have been shoved to later phases.

Make a plan and commit to it. This isn’t a dashboard overhaul. Do the bare minimum of uploading a document that reflects current guidance.
I’m not saying the plan can’t flex to shifting priorities. But you have conflicting guidance on your own website. Any parent or teacher can tell you that when you’re vague in your instructions, they aren’t followed.
And 6 months suspension for administering life saving vaccines seems excessive. The people punished here are the people of Elbert county, less so the vx provider. Are people going to get their 2nd doses? Vaccines are already too hard to locate. I think probation makes more sense.
You can follow @AmberSchmidtke.
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