Tkk_lives has to go. I don't say that just because I don't like her. I say that because I witnessed first hand how manipulative and dangerous this woman can get. Not only towards B72 but also regarding yourself and your morals.
I've been a fan of the boys for 5 years on and off over some time but constantly loving them with my whole heart. From the first minute on I was a Taekooker (back in 2015) I took a "break" from stanning between the beginning of 2017 and early 2018.
Don't get me wrong I still was up to date with their music and all, I just wasn't that much in the Fandom or on Twitter.

I found tkklies on YouTube in early 2018 end of 2017 and found her theories pretty interesting that's how I fell down the rabbit hole.
Keep in mind I'm an adult woman, with being a fan for 3 years already before finding her yt channel. I would've never thought that someone like me could be manipulated like this.
It started rather harmless, I began to interpret t and j's every interaction as something romantic. Which in the end wasn't even my idea but tkklies. She had a way of making videos that lead so easily to believing her and suddenly you were trapped.
There was a time I totally believed in her coming out theories : aka coming in to open for example where she said B.H. Was hinting to a coming out (which ofc would never happen if we are realistic)
What still is one of the most shocking things to me is how easily she changed my view on the two involved in the ship. I always saw them as loving and fluffy, an easy going relationship without much drama.
She changed my perspective drastically. Now suddenly they were always envious, toxic towards each other and I slowly began to dislike J for what he did to T. (which ofc is so unbelievable and hurting if I now think about it)
Tkkl portraits them in such a harmful and toxic way it's shocking. One of them always gets hurt, is jelous or wants to make the other one jelous and if you read tkk fanfics you'll see that's how sadly many portray them as. It's pushing the idea of an unhealthy relationship
Which is not only unfair towards the boys but also playing tricks on especially younger fans who think that this is a totally normal relationship dynamic, which is dangerous because they are more likely to not realize if they are in a toxic relationship or even an abusive one.
Another point of the whole situation I am surely really ashamed about is, that I started disliking 🐥. Yes I saw him as homewrecker, intrusive and just unnecessarily clingy, especially towards J.
I can't believe that now cause he ALWAYS from the beginning had a really soft and soft spot in my heart. And tkklies managed to make me feel like that towards someone I really adored and loved (still do and more than ever appreciate)
I also have to add that I wasn't in a really stable mental state at that time which made it even more easy for her to manipulate me (not directly but through her videos, posts and theories.)
🐥 In my eyes at that time was always destroying moments between J and T. Like someone who was d1ying to get affection. Like he loved to see them jelous. I also started to doubt the soulmate bond between 🐥 and T, cause who would do that to your bf right?
Writing all of this down is making me feel 2 things, disgust and I feel sad. Disgusted by myself and tkklies actions and sad that so many still follow her like some dmb sheep as if she made herself an army of robots who worship her and repeat everything she says.
When I was deep into this I also started to realize that I couldn't say who my true bias was without getting backlash and hated on. If your bias was J it was alright but it was better if it was T. Being Hyung line biases not accepted and you were looked down upon from above
If you had questions or own theories many made sure that you got silenced pretty quickly, cause only her theories were accepted ofc. Questions you would ask out of uncertainty and lack of logical connections were downplayed or ignored
These are the only 2 sc I have left from that time, cause I was fast in deleting everything that could be associated with tkklies and my old account
Another thing I didn't think twice about while still being in that tkklies mindset was that she always told us the whole discography of b72 was just there for hints about t and j dating. Every single song seemed to have a connection with them no matter if solo or group songs
I get why many talk about tcult when referring to tkkers because honestly all of this is very cult like behavior. From making you feel guilty over manipulative content to worshipping tkklies. And it's equally hard to get out of this mindset.
I've been trapped in this thinking for about a year, till February 2019. Until I started gaining my mental health back. I started to question my behavior and started listening to my friends.
My friends really helped me getting out of this whole mindset (I know I talk like it's an addiction but I believe that's how you feel when you're conditioned to believe something ans slowly start to realize that none of this is true and even harmful)
I made a totally new Twitter account with the intention of reconnecting with 🐥 and over thinking how I viewed him and what happened that I let it come this far. I started watching more and more non ship content, more run episodes and original content
I started following legit translator accounts. (which is another reason why tkklies needs to be stopped but I'm coming back to this later).
And slowly I realized that what had happened to me most likely happened to many others as well
Especially people who newly joined the Fandom and get tkklies videos recommended in YouTube.
Youtube Videos :
Do you realize that you support this toxic behavior and even give her money if you watch her videos? Do you realize she's making money from manipulating people and causing harm to the boys?
False translation:
Now we get to the point where her manipulative nature really shines Her so called legit Korean sources. Everytime someone questions her actions/interpretations she always say I have korean friends and they told me this can be used for *insert romantic nickname*
Or she hides behind her "knowledge" of body language. Or says her Korean friends told her everything about how skinship works etc.
Oversexualizing :

Everything on their necks is a hickey in her eyes. They can't go to the toilet together without her claiming they had s3x or they did make out. No matter if in run episodes or at award shows. In her world she thinks of them as if they are s3x obsessed demons
I know that I will get hate and some won't even believe me but this is how tkklies is. This is how her cult works.

She has 411k subscribers on YouTube alone and another nearly 30k on Twitter. Isn't that scaring you? That you give someone like her such a huge platform?
This was my experience, my story and I know for a fact that there are many like me out there. Many who developed hate against 🐥 because of her. Cause no matter how much she claims she loves him, she doesn't.
She doesn't openly say she hates him but her videos and how she portrays him speak for themselve. It is saddening, disgusting and so cowardly of her to hide behind the curtain of claiming to be ot7, which just isn't true at all.
I've Been a tkker 2 years before Watching her content and I never once looked at 🐥 as someone who shouldn't be around them. I've always loved the three of them together and loved their bond. You can't tell me tkklies isn't the problem here.
This thread is already longer than I intended it to be.
The only thing I can say is please open your Eyes and try to see her through the eyes of someone wo isn't trapped in her web.
If you have stories like this please don't shy away from sharing them. We have to spread more awareness about this and how manipulative she is and how many lies she spreads, how toxic the whole environment is she created. I'm begging you. Do it for the boys.
You can ask me questions or share your story if you want to I'll open the dms (I know that this will give some people a place to attack me but idc)
Also what I just wanted to add is that taekook_lives spreads this bullsh1t about people she claims to love knowing exactly what she is doing and how much harm it will do to 🐥 s1ck and tw1sted mind fr thank you for opening up and sharing your story I really am proud of you and appreciate that you were brave enough to share it thank you for sharing your story it's shocking even if you ship another ship associated with TK you can't escape that toxic narrative. thank you so much for sharing this with us 🥺 I'm glad you are there where you're now thank you for sharing your experience with us 🥺

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us 🥺 thank you for sharing your experience

Thank you for sharing your story 💕
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