It is #HolocaustRemembranceDay today, where we remember that 6 million Jews were killed by Nazi Germany. Most Jews remember this daily, even those born generations later.

The Holocaust was one of the worst instances of mass murder of millions of people, but not the only... 1/11
one. And out of fear and anger, Israel has ethnically cleansed a lot of Palestinian villages to build illegal settlements, has illegally confiscated lands from Syria (in the name of defending Israel's borders) and has put a fence around the Gaza Strip, locking about ... 2/11
2 million Palestinians in. Israel even passed laws trying to legalize their illegal seizure of Palestinian and Syrian lands.

Egypt does not allow these Palestinians in, and the Mediterranean is to the west, so they are trapped behind fences, subjugated. Israel claims... 3/11
this area is under control of the Palestinians but Israel controls everything going in or out, including water, which is shut off half the week.

These Palestinian Arabs are not Israeli citizens, so they're not allowed to vote at all in Israeli elections, yet their fate... 4/11
is entirely in Israel's hands. Even Arab citizens of Israel are only allowed to vote in regional elections, not national, yet defenders of Zionism claim that Israel is a democracy. It is an ethnostate.

Most of us are aware, also, of the genocide that Saudi Arabia, UAE,... 5/11
the UK, US and Israel are perpetrating in Yemen. A genocide that, in a reasonable world would be headline news every day our country continues its involvement, complete with bombed children, famine and cholera.

We are also aware of the many wars and illegal invasions our... 6/11
country and Europe have done over oil and over land for pipelines. Syria, Iraq (multiple times), Libya, Lebanon, but also attempted coups in Venezuela and military build up in the South China Sea are over oil.

I ask you to consider how many millions of Arabs have been... 7/11
murdered by the United States and its allies over oil in the last 30 years? Much of the Arab world has been turned to rubble, neighborhoods have been bombed, presidents have been assassinated. The US has repeatedly allied itself with groups it once called terrorists.

Inside the US, Arabs and Muslims (and those being mistaken FOR Muslim) have been subjected to racial profiling, discrimination, beatings, shootings, hateful graffiti and horrendous lies about their practices (don't ask because I won't repeat them).

The fake "war on... 9/11
terror", which was ALWAYS about oil, has done nothing but create more terrorists. "Terrorists" are people fighting back against US/EU/Israeli policies. They don't hate us because we are free. We are not. They hate us because we are killing them and destroying their... 10/11
countries. There will never be peace in the Middle East until these policies stop, and until the grave injustice that has been done to Palestinians is undone.
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