Observation (small thread):
When the NDP passed legislation to protect farm workers, give them the same rights as employees in other industries, & meet federal legislation, Notley got death threats.
Kenney wastes $4.7B on a "job creating tax cut that creates no jobs, & loses >
2/ between $1.5B-7.5B on Albertans' money, but we don't even know how much, because the UCP refuses to disclose their documentation, what do we hear from conservatives?
This is a good example of why I cannot, WILL NOT respect conservatives who support the UCP. >
3/ There is no excuse for this level of hypocrisy. There is no excuse for NOT pressuring this govt to provide their documents and rationale for wasting so much taxpayer $$ on a risky investment.
There is no excuse for not calling this govt out on their flagrant incompetence>
4/ & lack of fiscal responsibility. Interesting how the party that claims "fiscal responsibility" has created no jobs, has hurt businesses, and has built no pipeline.
Yet, over and over, I see the conservative "BuT tHe NdP dEsTrOyEd AlBeRtA!"
No, they didn't. Kenney did.
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