Now @AZSenateGOP Majority Leader @RickGray is on a scary rant about how it's bad that 5 Commissioners, elected by the people (3 of which are @AZGOP) have the ability to create #ClimateAction policy unless it goes through the @AZGOP dominated #AZLeg and Governor's Office.
Because we all see how good of a job the @AZGOP has done to address #ClimateChange so far. Let's see how we're doing. 1/
Between 1990 and 2017, the State of AZ increased its
#CarbonDioxide emissions by 36.5%, which was the 2nd largest increase among all western states. 2/
The State of AZ used to be recognized as a leader on #Climate policy, establishing the nation's 1st ever #RenewableEnergy requirements for utility corporations 3/
In fact, back in 2005, Governor Napolitano signed Executive Order 2005-13, establishing a #ClimateChange Advisory Group that served as a model for other states to begin to address climate change too! 4/
2 years later, the State of AZ entered into a first-of-its-kind alliance with other western states to tackle the unique challenges that #ClimateChange poses to the region 5/
But of course, the #ClimateChange Advisory Group was dismantled, and any progress made toward addressing climate change in AZ has been largely reversed under @AZGOP control 6/
The National Climate Assessment has since issued a report outlining the increased risk of extreme weather events, including wildfires, water scarcity, heat waves and flash floods 7/
The #UnitedNations' Intergovernmental Panel on #ClimateChange also tells us that climate scientists have high confidence that 23° Celsius of warming will result in a greater number of severe heat waves on land 8/
And it's already happening. Temps in @maricopacounty have risen by nearly 2° Celsius since1895 and temps in @CityofPhoenixAZ exceeded 110° Fahrenheit a record 53 days in 2020, obliterating the previous record and cementing 2020 as the hottest year ever for the State of AZ 9/
Obviously, the number of deaths linked to heat in AZ have risen sharply as temperatures have risen. So we simply don't have time for @AZGOP political power grabs so they can continue denying the reality of our #ClimateCrisis. 10/
Call your Senator today (find their info here and tell them to vote NO on #SB1175 End/
You can follow @SenQuezada29.
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