Today is Climate Day at the White House, and President Biden announced a series of climate-focused executive orders aimed at creating clean energy jobs, protecting workers, and advancing environmental justice. Our polling finds these policies have widespread support.

On Earth Day, President Biden will host an international climate summit. Our latest polling shows voters support the president calling this summit and ensuring America retakes a strong leadership role on climate change.
Today, Biden issued an executive order to mobilize agencies and departments across the federal government to address climate change, a stark contrast from the Trump administration. This whole-of-government approach has +22 net support with voters.
Directing the immense purchasing power of the federal government toward clean energy, as he did this week, is a win-win for Biden. Voters across party lines support this directive, and the immense purchasing power of the government will spur new good-paying American jobs.
Protecting public lands and water is one of Biden’s most popular climate proposals and one that Interior Secretary designate @DebHaalandNM has championed. Biden today committed to conserving at least 30 percent of our lands and oceans by 2030.
Biden's creation of a Civilian Climate Corps to take on climate change shows that Biden is centering economic justice and job creation in the fight against global warming. @GovInslee wrote about this idea for the Data for Progress blog in 2019.
Prioritizing climate investments in disadvantaged communities is critical for addressing the racial and socioeconomic dimensions of the climate crisis—and voters agree. Biden’s commitment to ensure 40% of new green investments go to these communities does just that.
For years, the climate movement has been fighting for policies that create jobs and promote justice. Today’s executive orders bring us one step closer to that popular and essential vision.
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