As I read these books written by the architects of The Fourth Industrial Revolution, it's clear to me, going by what they are saying on social media, that people don't understand what's happening. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is on a par with the first, second and third ones.
In a lot of conversations that I'm having, people keep talking about the 2030 Agenda. Like it is all going to happen in 10 years' time. It is already happening. The New World is being built all around you. You just haven't connected the dots.
Ten Things That Are Part Of The Fourth Industrial Revolution.

1) Pedestrianization of cities.
2) Trams.
3) Excessive student accommodation.
4) Bicycle lanes.
5) Two-part authentication.
6) End of tangible money.
7) Renewable energy.
8) Electric cars.
9) Diversity
10) Pandemic.
Five Things Idiotic Young People Have Embraced That Will Fuck Us All.

1) Apps that do silly things to your face. Why? They're collecting your face for facial recognition.
2) Dating Apps. They're a front for perfecting Geo-tracking.
3) All things "Uber". They're a front for "Uberisation of work" where most people work through the internet and will be classed as self-employed; freeing big businesses of the requirement to pay minimum wages, employer taxes and social benefits.
4) Online purchasing and "liking" things. This helps big businesses to predict trends and collar new markets before everybody else and stay one step ahead of small businesses, so they can't compete and go bust.
5) Enabling the internet to create psychological profiles of just about everyone.

True many of these things aren't exclusive to young people, but they popularise them and everything changes to accommodate young people who they see as the future customer base.
Why is excessive student accommodation a part of The Fourth Industrial Revolution? Because they're planning to move the majority of higher education online with smaller buildings for practical lessons and exams. Student accommodations will be repurposed for non-student living.
What they're really creating with all these large student accommodation blocks are giant council estates big enough for one single person to live in. They're envisioning a future where we live alone and don't have families.
The myth of progress is the God of the cult of the progressives. It is a con. It is being used by the globalist elites to persuade people to accept the technologies designed to exploit and control us.
The reason this is being pushed so hard right now is because, despite technological advances for decades, they lacked the unifying technology that brings it all together until 2015. They now have all the tech they need to create the system that's The Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Also, it has taken time for enough people to become familiar with this tech. Now, driven by the increasing availability and interaction of this set of extraordinary technologies, they're ready to proceed. Lightbulbs are now on in a former world of candles. There's no going back.
Of course, the idea of living in a technocracy fills most people with dread. Most people embracing it believe it is not a problem for them because they're not doing anything wrong. They think they can predict what is going to be considered "wrong" in the future.
In other words, people who welcome the big boots of the globalist technocracy are those yet to have their toes trodden on. They mistakenly believe that it isn't going to crush the things that they personally enjoy.
What was the unifying technology that brought all the technological advances of recent decades together? Isn't it obvious? 5G. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is achieved by fusing all advanced technologies with the high-speed wireless connectivity of 5G.
5G blurs the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. 5G's ensuing impact on our systems is going to transform how we produce things and also transform how the world and its population are governed.
I don't think people understand how big a deal 5G is.
You can't feel its impact right now because they haven't just made everything 5G. It is being rolled out. They say we won't start to feel the impact of 5G until 2025. It will be everywhere by 2030.
The technological advances of 5G themselves are not a problem. Even nationalists could use 5G to create better nations for themselves. The problem with 5G is that it is in the hands of globalists and will thus be weaponized against you.
Note: Most of my views on The Fourth Industrial Revolution, "The Great Reset" and 5G don't come from information that I get from conspiracy sites. I keep an eye on financial sites and legal sites where they post things in order to keep staff and clients up-to-date on changes.
Remember, just because the globalists appear to support the Left-wing, doesn't mean they are Left-wing. If Right-wingers were all for global domination, they would support the Right-wing. But we're not, so they don't. Left-wing politics is just friendlier to the globalist agenda.
The main obstacle in their path is nationalism, which is why they do everything in their power to demonize nationalism and associate it with fascism. Despite the fact that nationalists are currently fighting neo-fascism the hardest.
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