I said 'no' to two academic opportunities in the past 2 weeks, and honestly...it felt great.

A brief 🧵with my advice for #ACCFIT and #ACCEarlyCareer about the importance of learning when and how to say no in #academia:

As a #MedStudentTwitter, resident, #ACCFIT, and even #ACCEarlyCareer saying 'yes' to most academic opportunities (committees, research projects, review articles, book chapters) helps you: 1) figure out what you love, 2) learn, and 3) connect meaningfully w/ leaders & mentors.

After a few years into #ACCEarlyCareer, though, you generally know what you're passionate about, you've got a #squad of mentors and friends, and you may have #family competing for your time.

That's when you know it's time to start saying 'no.'

Saying no is important because it:
🔺 allows you to maintain a narrow enough academic focus for you to become and remain an #Expert;
🔺 keeps you from overpromising and underdelivering;
🔺 saves time for other things in life that give you joy ( #FamilyFunTime, #hobbies, etc).

HOW you say no is just as important as doing so. I recommend:
* thanking the inviter you for thinking of you;
* being honest about why you're declining (lack of expertise/time, conflict of interest)
* if someone in your #squad might benefit, suggest them as an alternative.

You can follow @nishantshahmd.
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