Rep. Bordeaux asking what HB 1076 means for "hermaphrodites." I think the term he's looking for is intersex people. (the other term is outdated/inaccurate) Rep. Deutsch said this bill isn't meant for them. Rep. Bordeaux said this bill is an attack on transgender people.
Rep. Bordeaux calling this a "Hitler-esque" type of attempt, the bill is not a good law & "sad that this is the route we go."

"I ask you good Christian people to think, and most of you are Christian, WWJD?"
Rep. Jensen said discrimination has no place in this society, but that birth certificates don't do the discrimination, people do. "This is vital data..." and if people want to do away w/ the bill "we have to urge every agency & insurance company to eliminate need for M/F data."
Rep. Jameson asks Deutsch if he researched how many people wanted to change the sex on their birth certificate. Deutsch said he queried judicial system & found 15 cases in S.D., with 2-3 declined & others approved. @LeeSDPB reported there have been 10 changes approved since 2017
Here's what @LeeSDPB found out:
Rep. Howard said she knows Deutsch well enough that he's not introducing HB 1076 with hate; also said certificates are vital record & "we shouldn't go back and change history."
Rep. Healy asks Deutsch if any judges have ever reached out to him on this issue. No judge has reached out to him on any issue, he said. Deutsch said a notice in a newspaper piqued his curiosity on the topic.
Rep. Healy said medical records already reflect a person's sex and gender; people can already change sex to reflect identity on passports for example. If a judge grants the change on a birth certificate, it will say what date it was amended on, Healy said.
"For our trans community, their identity is their truth," Healy said. "It's who they are to the core. What we're seeing here today are birth certificates being weaponized against our trans community. We are left w/ a bill that supports a transphobic agenda."
Rep. Haugaard saying HB 1076 is not discriminatory, it's just trying to guide judges on how to address this issue. Topic of gender has just become "vogue" in last few decades, he adds.
Rep. Hansen said Two Spirit, nonbinary, all other genders aren't sex designations; says anyone in House is welcome to bring forth a bill that would put gender, not sex, on birth certificates.
Someone asking Deutsch what upsets him about changing birth certificates so much (didn't catch the name); he said it doesn't upset him but said "it's our job to make sure our records are correct."
Deutsch adds that it's "our duty to society to keep men and women straight."
Rep. Lesmeister said "those records are kept," both the original & modified birth certificates together.
Correcting my tweet, had the wrong name.

Rep. Scott Odenbach said to allow people to change the sex on their birth certificate "makes the government complicit in a lie ... for the sake of political correctness."
Rep. Jess Olson (R-Rapid City) said sex has a presumption because it's not only M/F and can't always be known for certain because of "ambiguous genitalia," chromosome deficiency, etc. and the doctor makes decisions off of that. (I think she is referring to intersex people.)
Rep. Cwach (D-Yankton) says we've "locked ourselves into male/female binary" at birth, points to chromosome varieties.
Correcting my tweet: Final vote on HB 1076 in the HOUSE = 39 to 31, passes.
ACLU has pledged legal challenges if it passes in the Senate (see this tweet and also their full statement):
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