Ok. I've gained a few new followers lately and I want to make a few things clear to everyone. Set some boundaries & tell y'all a bit about me & who I am. First off, I'm autistic & have fsh muscular dystrophy. I don't work at anything full time. I can't. I'm often in pain.
I make art with stone & with lego mostly. I started doing it as a sort if therapy. I was bored out of my mind doing nothing & found a set of stone carver's tools in the basement if our apt building someone left there long ago.
I started the lego thing because like everyone else, when covid hit, I couldn't leave the house. I'm high risk, I've been isolating as much as possible since March 19, 2020. It was something to do that was calming and low stress. I started posting things I made in order to
cheer up my friends who were also isolating. I started messing around w/ minifigs & decided to build us a village & making scenes. One day, I asked my friends if they would mind if I made minifgs of them so I could populate my village.
Since my friends & I are political junkies, lol, I did a minifig of Joe Biden riding a blue wave. This was before he picked Kamala as VP so, I was working on one of her but, afraid to show it, I didn't want to jinx it, lol.
My friends thought the village & minifugs were a great idea! As the democratic convention approached, one day, I asked my friends if they'd like it if I did minifgs of as many folks in KHive as I could & set them as the audience for a lego democratic convention.
Holy crap! That idea took off. I was worried I didn't have enough parts to do it but, my friends came to the rescue & started donating money so I could do it. I decided I'd go all the way through the election cycle making figs & scenes,
hopefully culminating in the inauguration of Joe Biden & Kamala Harris. Which, omg, thank goodness they won!! So, now you know some of why I started this. Now, I'm gonna tell you all the boundaries & rules I need to continue. Ok?
#KHive #legoKHive
I started thus thread because of something that happened last night. Someone wanted me to 1, change a minifigure I created, and 2 create a minifigure of a republican. I said no. Then I blocked them.
First of all, I'm an artist. I do this for love & to hopefully make folks lives just a tiny bit more joyful during trying times. I refuse to make any art, minifigs or otherwise that is of people who hate me. I'm lgbtq & NB. No. Just no.
There are times when art is made to make people think, upset them & change them. That's not what I'm doing here. Not right now. Maybe not ever. Right now, what I feel a need to create is things that help ease folks minds, give them joy.
Give ME joy. Republican do hate me, they say and do things that harm me personally & they do the same thing to nearly everyone I love or care about. They stress me out. Some day, that might change, idk.
Being autistic, it is, for me at least a bit disturbing to look so closely, so intently at people's faces. Their eyes, their expressions, I watch video of them speaking, stare for hours sometimes at photos of them. I can't do that w/ hateful people. I just can't.
It's too difficult. Hell, I won't even do one of the former republicans or never trumpers or Lincoln Project folks because, honestly, I still don't know if I trust them. They were good w/ lgbtq folks dying of AIDs & they were good w/ conservative christians until Trump. No.
You can follow @jamiesbowen.
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