The 45 Republican Senators voted to keep the public impeachment trial from happening. It's obviously Constitutional, they just don't want all the facts to come out and have to vote yes or no for condoning Republican treason.
The Democrats will present all the facts and information we're hearing about, plus what they'll uncover in the coming weeks, as they set the rules for trial. Moscow Mitch isn't in charge this time to block evidence and cover for Trump.
They're fighting for the future of the party, AND for some- their freedom.
McConnell & Portman both said voting no to Schumer's motion to table Red Paul's bogus coverup argument didn't signal they'll acquit after the trial runs its course.
90% of the media and talking heads started immediately drilling "the outcome is set" and "a trial is a waste of time" narrative within seconds of the process vote! Ridiculous 😡
The 45 Republican Senators only voted to keep the public impeachment trial from happening.
It's obviously Constitutional, they don't want the facts to come out and have to vote yes/no to condoning Republican treason. The Democrats will present all the facts & information we're hearing about, plus what they uncover in the coming weeks. They set the rules for the trial.
Moscow Mitch isn't in charge this time to block evidence and cover for Trump.
💥Radical Domestic Trump Terrorists💥 are members of Congress, too. Expose them live on television.
Btw, somehow I screwed that thread up. Not sure how I repeated pieces throughout, apologies *sigh* 😖
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