Joe B.
In your desperate attempt to gain wealth and power, and to hide yours and others crimes, You and your comrades have made many deals with a hostile foreign government.
Now that you have stolen power you have given them access to our intelligence infrastructure.
They have already moved beyond your imagined control. Your pathetic and naive belief that you were partners, that you would be in charge and they would be your silent backup, the strength behind your voice was wrong.
The original projection of approximately 6 months is way off. Moved up to March, is now too long. They have thousands of people 24/7 infiltrating our intelligence Network and agencies. Your own staff now sees the writing on the wall.
And is trying to desperately backtrack while maintaining the illusion that you are competent and in control. Something must be done now or we will lose any intelligence capability for years. The military as a whole is holding out but your attacks and appointments
have already opened the door for this foreign government to decimate our military.
You have given them access to our infrastructure, our schools and our media. You gave them the access they needed. You are no longer necessary to their plans.
I doubt you even know how to do the right thing, if you ever did. But even you must realize, you and your so-called administration, are now superfluous to their needs.
If there is one and only one thing you understand, that would be "self."
Do what you're good at, think only of yourself, your self preservation.
Step down, step aside. Because one thing is clear, we will never give up. And before they get to us they will go through you. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
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