🧵 on #CovidVaccine ads. Per @davidseawright at @DeepRootX "would not be surprised to see at least $1 billion on #CovidVaccine ads in 2021." @HHSGov, State Health Departments, Hospital Systems, Drug Companies, Business Groups, etc. All will run ads (others too). (1/14)
(2/14) We spent ~$100m on advertising for the ACA in 2013-2014 to get 10m people to sign up for coverage through the marketplace. We are going to shatter that number to try and get 330m Americans to take the vaccine.
(3/14) There will be two primary types of ads (there will be other categories, but most ads will fall into 1 of 2 buckets). 1) Logistics/Details & 2) Persuasion
(4/14) Logistics/Details is pretty straightforward. Where to go, what the hours are, that it’s free, etc. ~40-45% of population would take the vaccine right now if they had the option/access – many of these folks just need the details.
(5/14) Persuasion is interesting though because there are going to be a lot of different types of persuasion ads (education, appeal, etc.). About 35% of US adult pop is hesitant/reluctant & will need some nudging (~25% won’t get it in ’21 unless we have widespread mandates)
(6/14) Here is a sample of early persuasion ads & my take. I’m not an ad maker, but I’ve looked extensively at all things COVID for the last 11 months (including the vax for the last 7 months) & have a pretty solid feel for what works/doesn't work, at least as of today.
(7/14) First one is from @OHdeptofhealth. – Great ad, flipping the script with the "our turn to take care of our parents" is good and “help Ohio on the road to recovery” can appeal to a broader swath of pop.
(8/14) Next is from @nolaready. - Great ad, tying it to something so central to a community's identity (and economy) like Mardi Gras is smart. And love the #sleevesupnola.
(9/14) Next is from @MichiganHHS. - Great ad, "over a decade ago" - lot of people have concerns about the two vaccines in circulation because of the mRNA ("new") component. First 3 seconds takes that on here with "over a decade ago."
(10/14) Next is from @TexasDSHS. - Great ad, "we've been here since March this is how it ends." Enough said.
(11/14) Next is from @CVSHealth. - Great ad - (not entirely about vax persuasion as you'll see), but first 35 seconds are powerful. I'm skeptical touchy-feely ads will do a lot to move hesitant vaccine'ers, but this kind of one can resonate.
(12/14) Next is from Colorado Health Dpt. - this is a good ad, but in terms of moving those who are reluctant, it's a little too clinical. Yes providers are the most trusted source in America, but this is a little too provider heavy.
(13/14). Final one from UPenn Medicine. - not going to be effective with reluctant vaccine'ers at all. Not to pick on Penn (this could be more for internal promotion or to attract med students/etc), but this type of ad will not persuade people on the fence
(14/14) There are going to be all kinds of Covid vaccine ads in 2021. Some will make us laugh, some will be tear jerkers, some will have celebs and some will make us say WTF? Key thing is that they are effective as possible in getting people to take the vaccine!
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