I'm praying, but I feel it's a VERY dangerous strategy, control is easily lost. Beyeden stole elecshun, everyone knows this. Everyone knew what they would do once in power. But to allow them to destroy the country, in the hopes the "majority" will wake up, courts will
accept the evidence of f-raud, and lawmakers will do what's right, is dangerous. Relying on their "track record" is foolhardy. They have clearly demonstrated they are motivated by hate and greed, are plainly disloyal to the United States, and follow a different faith.
The longer decisive action is delayed the more likely the damage is permanent and recovery impossible. Already access has been given to foreign governments, and they are not as slow and unfocused as Joe.
They are moving very fast to solidify their position.
The clock is ticking, time is finite. We are behind you 100%, but every moment of delay only increases doubt and people lose focus due to everyday survival needs. Move while we are still able to do so.
May the Lord give you strength and guide your hand 🙏🙏🙏
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