Question for people who know some right wingers well:

I often see them react to people critiquing a system as if it’s a personal criticism of all the individual people in the system

-going to spend a tweet or two talking about known nuances here, then get to the question
So, take feminism: common response “they think all men are bad” - well feminism is really about a system that grants power to men over women and that tends to try warp humans into prescribed categories that individual humans may not actually fit in.
I grant to the people with the “man hater” take that 1. there is a language problem. When we want to talk about the role men play in that system, we call them ‘men’ because...well, that’s what they are called. 3/
But that does not mean to imply an *inherent* quality in men (based on mainstream feminist analysis) but on The role men play when working within and reacting to a flawed system.
I also grant that there are some people who are not systems thinkers who ID as feminists who will say something about men being awful, but feminist theory will posit that they, too, are reacting to a system that creates awful roles for men. 5/
So, given all that - and I may have answered my own question in explaining the nuance - do they really believe that when we talk abort racism or misogyny we are talking about “all white/men are core bad people” or are they just playing that to make a straw man? 6/
1. Of course it will vary from person to person, there is no universally true answer
2. I can see why, talking it through, someone who does not want to hear what is being said can miss what is being said.
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