THREAD: The oil industry is suing over President Biden's commonsense order to pause new oil and gas leasing on public lands, citing a shoddy study out of U of WY which claims the industry will be decimated (spoiler, not true). Let's take a closer look.
When calculating oil prices, demand, etc... for future years, Considine used the @EIAgov reference case. Normally standard, but in this case, that study was published in Jan. 2020—months before the pandemic and international tensions tanked the oil market. 
Further, in his study Dr. Considine made absolutely no attempt to calculate the public health costs of drilling, or the benefits of reduced greenhouse gas emissions, the goal was purely to produce bold numbers for the oil industry to hold up and say "the sky is falling."
That's no coincidence, because the group suing over Biden's order—Western Energy Alliance—initially tried to fund the study, but settled for funding the PR campaign to promote its results.
Bottom line—for years the oil industry hired lobbyists to keep the system broken, paid for studies and PR campaigns to promote disinformation, and now they're hiring pricey lawyers to make sure oil executives continue to benefit at the expense of communities and our climate.
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