On this Holocaust Remembrance day, let us remember that the lies and false ideology that gave rise to this atrocity are, sadly, far from dead.

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Let us, if we can, work to combat these - and if it is not in our capacity to do so, let us at least pray: Never again, Lord; let us not be complicit again. /2
Let us pray for venal politicians, Left and Right, who all too often turn a blind eye to anti-Semitism, covertly encourage it, or falsely and foolishly seek to lay the blame for every social evil on the Jewish people, that God may soften their hearts. /3
Let us pray for those of us who bear the name Catholic and who falsely confuse "tradition" with hatred and prejudice against Jews, and selectively quote-mine the works of Saints or Popes in search of poisonous fuel - that God may make them more solicitous of their own fault. /4
Let us pray for those who use anti-Semitic canards and discredited forgeries to generate money, notoriety and social media "fame" - that God may lead them to repentance. /5
Let us pray for the Jewish people, that they may be protected from harm, especially those in greatest danger, and that they may come to know the saving power of Our Lord Jesus Christ in His good time. /6
Let us remember the words of St Paul: "In respect to the gospel, they are enemies on your account; but in respect to election, they are beloved because of the patriarchs. For the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable." (Rom. 11: 28-29). /7
Let us remember that the much-misunderstood passage "His blood be upon us and upon our children" (Mt. 27: 25) should be read in the light of Ex. 24: 7-8 and Acts.
3: 17ff. /8
Let us remember that the Church has condemned the lies of Nazism in these words: "The peak of the revelation as reached in the Gospel of Christ is final and permanent...." (continued) /9
" ...It knows no retouches by human hand; it admits no substitutes or arbitrary alternatives such as certain leaders pretend to draw from the so-called myth of race and blood." (Pope Pius XI) /10
Let us remember the teaching of the Church: "Although the Church is the new people of God, the Jews should not be presented as repudiated or cursed by God, as if such views followed from the holy Scriptures." /11
And: "The Church deplores the hatred, persecutions, and displays of anti-Semitism directed against the Jews at any time and from any source." (Nostra Aetate 4) /12
Let us remember St John Paul II's vision of "...a future in which the unspeakable iniquity of the Shoah will never again be possible." /13
Let us remember the heroic example of the "Saints of the Holocaust", St Maximilian Mary Kolbe and St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross - and several others - and seek their intercession. /14
"Remembering is a condition for a better future of peace and fraternity.
It also means being careful because these things could happen again, beginning with ideological proposals intended to save a people and ending by destroying a people and humanity."
(Pope Francis) /15
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