Moment of Transparency: Lately I’ve been in a place I like to call the blah zone. Everything is fine, I appreciate where I’m at. I’m just going through a transitional phase in my life and career. If you know me, I don’t necessarily like change but I will always adapt. (1/6)
However, this time around I’ve been turning inward and really focusing on how I feel in the midst of these changes whether they be my actual setting, friends, family, coworkers, and how I navigate all of these things and the feelings that come with them. (2/6)
For so long, I believed I didn’t need anyone. Then when it finally got in my head that you really can’t do life by yourself, I found myself playing this game of tug of war with still trying to be independent vs. accessible so the people I loved felt like they mattered. (3/6)
I became the person everyone needed. If you know me, if we’ve ever been close, you know that I’ll literally disappear for weeks at a time and come back like nothing happened. But it’s just me trying to find that balance because I don’t want either of us to be codependent. (4/6)
But I’m saying all of this to say, to anyone who needs to hear it, TAKE TIME FOR YOU. Take time to feel, take time to heal and take time to grow into the best version of yourself. The people who are really in your corner will always be there. They’ll respect your boundaries.(5/6)
And a special shoutout to all of the people in my circle who may be uncomfortable but are still showing their love and support for me in this time. (6/6)
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