Today is a remarkable day for people and the planet. With his executive orders, President Biden is confronting the climate emergency head on. We have so much work ahead, but these actions lay the foundation for necessary and just change. Some highlights ...

2nd, @interior will hit pause on new federal oil & gas leases on public lands. This is a critical first step to confront the fact that 25% of climate-cooking pollution comes from O&G activity on lands shared by all Americans.
Importantly, the 30x30 commitment states conservation efforts MUST involve local stakeholders. The government should work with tribes & communities that have historically been left out of land management decisions despite facing the worst impacts of environmental destruction.
4th, @potus is mobilizing the entire government to tackle the climate crisis. He directs federal agencies to factor climate change into a wide range of decisions and establishes a national climate task force led by @Gina_McCarthy to coordinate 21 agencies around climate action.
Under @ClimateEnvoy’s leadership, the U.S. will make climate change central to our foreign policy and set strong pollution reduction targets to meet our Paris Agreement goals.
5th, @potus has recommitted to trusting scientists on decision-making. This should be a given, but the last administration slandered the scientific community and sowed distrust and confusion about scientists. So this recommitment to facts, truth, and expertise is important.
6th, @potus is also encouraging economic growth and a just transition to help communities that rely on the fossil fuel industry to find good, union jobs in other sectors including clean energy.
Together these measures are turning the tide to position our country to confront the climate emergency. They critically incorporate justice, equity, and collaboration with those who are directly impacted by pollution or who work in jobs that may be impacted by these advances.
We look forward to working with the Biden administration to achieve their ambitious goals and will continue to advocate for people and the planet in the courtroom.
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