Please read this before we begin
September 2⃣0⃣0⃣5⃣

Writing in The Telegraph, Johnson publishes ‘Getting our knickers in a twist over China’. It references then-Mayor of London Ken Livingstone buying doses of anti-chicken flu medication
May 2⃣0⃣0⃣6⃣

"If China is really to rule the world, she will need two things that America now has in superabundance: hard power and soft power"

In a piece for the Telegraph titled ‘China is changing, but the walls against the West are still there’, Johnson ponders China while on a run around Beijing

On a visit to Mumbai, Johnson briefly mentions China as part of a wider Telegraph article exploring the possibilities India offer

Writing in the Diary section of the Spectator around the time of the Olympics in London that year, Johnson disparages reports that China will end up challenging America on the global stage
November 2⃣0⃣1⃣2⃣

Later that year, Johnson visits India again and pens a piece in the Telegraph making the case for British involvement. He mentions China three times in passing

Johnson makes the case for Global Britain, having just resigned from Theresa May's Cabinet as Foreign Secretary
C'est fin.

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