We congratulate 🇺🇬 on taking a bold step to launch clinical trials for a #COVID19 therapeutic drug. This is in line with WHO guidelines and protocol endorsed on the use of herbal medicines for therapeutics
The use of herbal medicine was endorsed by the Regional Expert Committee on Traditional Medicine for COVID-19 formed by WHO, @AfricaCDC and the @_AfricanUnion Commission for Social Affairs which endorsed a protocol for phase III clinical trials of herbal medicine for #COVID19
“Just like other areas of medicine, sound science is the sole basis for safe and effective traditional medicine therapies,” said Dr Prosper Tumusiime, Director of Universal Health Coverage and Life Course Cluster at @WHOAFRO
If a traditional medicine product is found to be safe, efficacious and quality-assured, WHO will recommend for a fast-tracked, large-scale local manufacturing, Dr Tumusiime explained in September, 2020.
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