so i’ve been lackadaisically Sales Safari-ing r/WallStreetBets bc i can only focus for like, a few minutes at a time and most posts are super short and hey it’s making history so i might as well do that instead of watching costuming youtube
- the first thing i noticed is they constantly use ableist terms for themselves & each other… as very positive terms of endearment. mixed feelings.

- the second is, the vibe is extremely positive and supportive (maybe TOXICALLY positive and supportive, but that’s another topic)
- instead of just nakedly, calculatedly gaming the market for a profit, a lot of posters seem to really believe that by forcing a short squeeze, they’re doing something good for the world:

making a rotten hedge fund pay and sending a message to Wall Street about the little guys
- there are actually a lot of threads and comments about donating large portions of their “tendies” (profits) to charity or family/friends in need

- a guy posted about using his gains to pay for knee surgery for his dog and everybody squeed for him
- calling their profits “tendies” (chicken tenders) is just so fucking cute to me and now i want chicken tenders

other insider terms include:

- paper hands, scaredy cat / sells off quickly

- diamond hands, goes long / won’t sell

they do talk use em like actual body parts
- people said WSB was “memeing” their way to XYZ whatever, so i expected a lot of actual memes (go brrrr, troll face, etc) but they are actually super rare

- there’s… surprisingly little shit posting. and not much meanness or irony at all, that i’ve seen.

not typical reddit
- what they DO do is… digital group chanting

you know the famous reddit joke chains? (a favorite thing of mine tbh)

the WSB guys have mantras and they’ll nest them like 20+ comments deep

to be clear, i mean 20+ nested comments that are identical, like


which i’ve only seen in one other sub, CatsStandingUp, which ONLY allows comments that say “cat” only
- it’s eerie to see group chanting, i gotta say, but kinda aesthetic too. like digital barbershop.

- they also talk about stocks going to the moon, to mars

- 300 metaphors for the GME in particular (i think). i saw someone say “those hot rocks” lol
- everybody jokes about “your wife’s boyfriend,” including people who say “my wife’s boyfriend.” like ongoing jokes too, talking about the bf buying stuff or doing things. it’s… convivial

- interestingly i have seen almost zero uses of the “HODL” (“hold” bitcoin joke/meme
- i saw someone tweak the balls=bravery metaphor for herself using breasts instead and all the replies were nice

- they love jim kramer which is a surprise

- they love elon musk which isn’t, but they don’t call him by his name, only pseudonyms like “elongated muskrat”
- WSB apparently gained half a mil new subs over the last few days but still feels like a specific place

- an “immune system” is kicking in rn as new accounts show up trying to “distract” from GME and pump other stocks

- yes GME really has a unique situation (140% short sold)
- oh yeah people also say “to valhalla”

- in normal times it looks like users share/demand “DD” (due diligence) and “positions or die” (disclose your conflicts)

- people talk about one hedge fund shorting GME - Melvin Capital - a LOT.
- there are literally entire threads where posters do the math and game theory (lol but seriously) how long to hold and how high the price has to go to bankrupt specific hedge funds

- they’re tracking the hedge funds movements

- they’re tracking the short sale activity
- A NAME WHISPERED IN THE CORRIDORS OF POWER*: /u/DeepFuckingValue aka DFV is apparently the user who started the run on GME, altho i haven’t seen the original post yet

- this guy has been mentioned by “real” stock analysts which is fun

* to convey the vibe
- in re: the vibe and ableist terms, the majority of actually juicy (detailed) info and advice i’ve seen on WSB has come with a humble disclaimer, eg “i am but a simple _______”

- a culture of self-deprecating tone for stock advice is not… what i’d expect
- when you own a stock, you can set a sell order eg “if this stock hits this price, sell.” or %, etc

- WSBers were memeing their sell orders to $420.69 (obvious) or $1000

- now there’s a large group trying to get people to raise orders bc it supposedly informs the shorts
any group with a high degree of (apparent) coherence will look like a cult but if you can drop in and out without serious consequences? it’s not a cult.

coherence is partially, maybe even hugely, a result of the selection bias: people leave if they don’t like it.
the key difference is that nobody is doxxing, threatening, or brigading individuals afaict. since those mechanics are what made gamergate gamergate, i don’t really agree. it’s on reddit and it’s a crowd but that’s it.

it’s distributed wall st raiding tho
i stan nothing and no one, best way to be honest & not disappointed
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