The results are consistent with the size of benefit they set out to test.

But because they chose to stop early, the results are not significant and confidence intervals are wide.

So we're left with uncertainty.
From the discussion.

We all want to get results as rapidly as possible.
But a clear result tomorrow is much more useful* than an inconclusive result today

* save more lives, guide better use of resources
The RECOVERY trial continues to assess whether colchicine reduces the risk of death, shortens hospital stay, or lessens the need for mechanical ventilators in patients admitted to hospital.

Over 7,500 patients have been enrolled so far.

Important question. Needs a clear answer.
I commend anyone who has the vision and determination to get a large randomised trial up and running.
It is never easy - and especially not now.

But we have to see it through to the end.
- that applies to those running a trial and those waiting for results.
You can follow @MartinLandray.
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