Long time regulars will know how much this will stick in my craw, but just maybe slimy bastard Giles Clarke was thinking well ahead when getting all arsey about "illegal streams". Nobody knows who's showing the upcoming India v England series. No other sport is as half arsed...
And if it turns out that yet another pay channel has gotten this series, then yet more fans will be rightly pissed off. If they need to see the action then they will go online in search of "illegal streams", and I for one won't blame them.
Remember when Liam Plunkett said that he thought the Cricket World Cup final should be shown on FTA TV as well as Sky? Voicing that thought cost him his international career. It's [censored] criminal that India v England hasn't yet got a UK broadcaster.
I don't know whether the @BCCI are being greedy or @ECB_cricket or various broadcasters are being useless, hanging out for the lowest £ they can offer. I don't care who's responsible for this foul up, it's a [censored] disgrace and pisses all over fans struggling for money.
It's almost as bad as the BDO. In some respects it's worse than the BDO because this is a premier product, right @ICC? It's deeply disrespectful from all concerned and cricket needs to look at itself and get its head from out of its arse.
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