ok the only thing propping up this impulse is my currently inflated sense of adulting but:

Lunch Tips With Yr Steer Friend Saul M., an thread https://twitter.com/saul_mondriaan/status/1354488804116054018
a nalgene flask left in the freezer between bedtime and leaving for work will keep yr lunch out of the danger zone AND be drinkable by lunch time. add a second left in the fridge and you have a commute drank and can refill the icy one.
why bother? i haven't spent a cent on convenience store drank for like a year now and that shit ADDS UP. plus you have an excuse to buy stickers.
the most convenient lunch is just whatever is left over from dinner the night before. plate yr dinner and the lunch bowl at the same time so you don't have to go back and Make Ye Lunch.
sandwiches are time consuming and soggy: a bad packed lunch unless you are Skillful. a bowl full of different little things that add up to the equivalent is fast and makes you feel like a hobbit adventurer when you eat it.
generally speaking, i feel better if my lunch is low-carb. they make me tired. protein and veg helps me Not Hate The Children, and again, a bowl of Little Bullshit helps me imagine that i am on a magical quest instead of wolfing calories between classes.
buy three forks: two to rotate between dishwasher and lunch bag, one to keep wherever you eat your lunch (mine's in my car console) for when you inevitably forgot to rotate the forks and have a Big Wet Bowl you can't eat with your hands.
it was non-obvious to me that putting dressing on a salad the night before would wilt yr veg to soup, but it does. get a tiny jar for the dressing.

relatedly, mason jars and reusable lids are a permanent solution to most food prep (and most other of life's) challenges.
because you're thinking clearly when you pack it and have no other options when you eat it, lunch is your chance to make sure your Ascended Future Magician Self eats her daily fresh fruit and veg. pack the vitamins you absolutely would otherwise forget to take at home, too.
you deffo want to cut up your fruit and just dump it in a jar for ease and speed. bonus: dump in those chia seeds and some fruit juice to make a cute little nutrition slime. waste-free version of the little fruit cups you'd buy for 1.50 a pop in throwaway plastic.
anyway if this was all insultingly obvious please don't yell at me, i am 34 and only recently stopped feeling like a millennial dipshit who does everything bad so to me this was all Groundbreaking Tech.

PLEASE poast addit'l Lunch Cheats 'n Beetums if you got 'em!
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