Politicians in Alabama in 1950s-60s did what they were elected to do. Not everyone swung the club or engaged in violence, but they elected politicians to enforce their desires to keep Alabama segregated. The voters were ultimately responsible for what happened, not just the KKK.
2/ That these politicians were backed by white evangelicals in Alabama whose religious beliefs were strikingly different from Black Christians is undeniable. Bull Connor, John Patterson, and George Wallace carried out their desires and wouldn’t have been elected if they didn’t.
3/ When violence happens, blame shifting begins and those who perpetrated it hide. Calls to “move on” and rejection of accountability permeates those who created the situation. And, if they have power, they use it to protect themselves. Gov. Patterson blamed the victims.
4/ Ultimately, politicians in Alabama in 1950s/60s were the politicians that white evangelicals, primarily SBCers, wanted. They represented their desires and if they didn’t, they wouldn’t have won. We get the leaders we want, especially when we are the base. Same is true today.
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